
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help With A Tagline For A Printing Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am looking for a tagline for our printing company. We are a 4th generation family business and have been in business for 72 years. We strive to keep up with the new technology and have done so successfully.

We specialize in quality work and we do it pretty quickly (as quickly as customers need). We also known for our people. We have great customer service and most people have worked here for over 20 years (very experienced). We'll bend over backwards for our customers. --most of our customers are very loyal and we know them like old friends. With internet printing companies all over the place we can offer a friendly face that knows your business, knows you, knows your tastes and knows what you need and expect for your printing.

Currently our tagline is: A tradition of fine printing for four generations. We are looking to update it something a little more modern.

Can you help??
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  • Posted on Accepted
    suggestion: start with defining your target audience and whether you are looking for a more instrumental or rather a emotional tag line. Check your customers' view on this matter.

    some ideas for a new tag line, at least I hope you will be inspired to get you final tag line:
    Continuously seeking economic advantages to deliver value adding services

    Your publishing partner today and tomorrow! you need value added publishing

    Driven by innovation on proven technology
    Driven by innovation on proven publishing

    Driven by your need for value added publishing

    Result driven publishing
    Result driven printing services

    Kind regards,

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Probably a good idea to (1) use the words and ideas that your customers would use to describe you; and (2) be very clear about what you want the tagline to say/do for you.

    If you have a loyal base of customers, what's the driver for changing the tagline? Are you worried about defection based on lower prices online? If so, the tagline is probably not going to solve your problem. If you're trying to attract new customers, we need to know who those folks are before we can come up with a tagline that will be meaningful to them. (The old one obviously didn't do the trick.)

    You have certainly come to the right place for tagline assistance, but you'll have to help us understand the business need that's driving this and the characteristics of your primary target audience -- not just demographically and geographically, but psychographically and in terms of their attitudes, behaviors, frequency of purchase, values, etc. Maybe interview a few of them and see what words of wisdom they can offer?
  • Posted on Accepted
    I would hammer on the fact that you've been in business for 72 years and "Must be doing something right".

    Technology is just a means to an end in my mind...

    Customer satisfaction is WAY more important than whatever technology you use to achieve it.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Everything Old Is Very New Again.

    Most Valued Printers 4 Generations!

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