
Topic: Taglines/Names

Gardening Business Name

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hi I’m looking for a company name for a gardening business.

My tagline (which I’m happy with) is:

We care for your garden

Names I’ve considered – some are already taken tho:

Growing Free
Added Care Gardening
All Garden Services
Garden elves
Greener garden
fair garden therapy
garden care
garden affair
fair garden solutions
the constant gardener

What I do:
Regular maintenance (eg fortnightly), cleanups, trimming, weeding, pruning, and upkeep are all things I do and have tools for.

Landscaping and specialist advice is not the level I’m currently at. I don’t do lawnmowing as there are so many specialist lawn services out there.

Types of yard:
Any size, and any state from wildly overgrown to well cared for.

My client base:
I am looking for clients who have the money to pay for a gardener to do their general maintenance so they don’t have to do it themselves. My clients are mostly over thirty and have families, or over 50 and their kids have left home – and they are professionals. Or they are retired and used to do their own gardens but aren’t physically up to it any more. This is fairly normal for gardening.

I'd really welcome any suggestions as this seems pretty important to me!

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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear ajay_hawkes,

    Hello again. We met back in May.

    How about the following to get the ball rolling:

    Blooming Miracles: We care for your garden
    Blooming Success: We care for your garden
    Blooming Marvelous: We care for your garden
    Green Thumb: We care for your garden
    Round and Round: We care for your garden

    I hopes these at least spark other ideas.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
    Follow me on Twitter @GaryBloomer

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Where are you located? One option is to have some local reference in the name. (Example: Broadriver Greenery, East End Serenity, etc.)

    Given that the tagline you like tells people WHAT you do, maybe the name should tell them what the benefit is for them. Usually the name comes first, of course, and the tagline follows, but there's no reason why we can't "retrofit" a name to your tagline.

    The problem I have with the names you've already identified is that all but one have the word "garden" in them, and then you repeat that word in the tagline. You only need it once. After that a repeated word just takes up space and doesn't add anything.

    So now let's think about the most important BENEFIT you provide: Is it convenience? Is it a better looking garden? Is it a peaceful sense of well-being for those who see and enjoy the garden? Is it the admiration and respect of neighbors who envy the garden?

    Once you know which benefit will resonate best with your target audience, then you need to find a word or phrase that best expresses it and use that for your name.

  • Posted on Member
    How about :
    Evergreen: We care for your garden
  • Posted by tmtossy on Accepted
    I have been involved in such business for some time, I think the best names could be one of these :

    Garden Connection: We care for your garden
    Garden Guru: We care for your garden
    Enviroguru: we care for your garden
    GardenTime: we care for your garden
    Go2Gardener:we care for your garden
    Time4Garden: we care for your garden

    I wish you nice choice

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    maybe ...

    The Green Estate, We care for your garden
    Living Places, We care for your garden
    Green Places, We care for your garden
    Plant Control, We care for your garden
    Green Trimmers, We care for your garden
    Everything Outdoors, We care for your garden
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Ajay, Michael has spelled it out for you very nicely above. Incase you don't get around to responding to his questions before this question closes I'll make a suggestion for a theme name that you can build on after meeting the criteria M identified.

    Garden services with generic names are like weeds, they are everywhere, also to the uninformed they all appear the same. Find a persona, hook it up with M's suggested answers, (strongest clients benefit or your area of service) and go from there in a bold way so you don't disappear in the weeds.

    Frenzied Gnomes of SouthPark or Frugal Gnomes of Ghent, Silent Gnomes of ..... I like the Gnome idea because they are already known as Garden dwellers.
    They can be fun, experienced, industrious, almost invisible if the client wants (working while they are at work)....find the benefit and hook up with it since your Tag line already identifies your 'Field'.

    A brand image could easily bonded with Red floppy hats for staff, Gnome Logos on vehicles/shirts. A free Gnome with every year long or two year contract ... name our Gnome contest for the year...later on the Image alone of your Namesake would be your message.

    Gardeners are a very visual bunch so "Eco this or Expert that" could be any service. Find a strong non offensive 'something' that imprints on their subconscious and add their benefit to 'that' for immediate recognition, eventually by non clients also.

    Good Luck

  • Posted on Member
    mgoodman said it well, "Your tagline tells them WHAT you do", sooo you need an eyegrabber for the name...

    Happy Hoers

    THAT will get you a second look, guar-ron-teed ! ;-)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    (Aside: "We care for your garden" is a bit blah - since it doesn't make the target market connect with your stated business goals. If you're happy with it, then ignore this comment. But I'd encourage you to take the intention of your tagline, pick a name you love, and tweak it some more. Also notice that business names as suggested above can be tweaked into taglines.)

    Some business name ideas:
    * Fairy Gardenmother
    * Well-Cared for Gardens
    * Love My Garden
  • Posted on Author
    Hi I used "garden time" by TMT - but thanks for all your responses, they were thought provoking!

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