
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Help With Personal Chef Biz Name - Top Chefs!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am starting (or have started, but need an official name) a business providing personal chef services in people's homes in NYC. I am using the best cooks from tons of the top restaurants in NYC, and will be offering a full dining experience. We not only bring amazing chefs into your home who currently work in the top restaurants, but we also help with other aspects of the party: i.e. setting up all tables (including rental for larger parties), making gorgeous handmade menus, place cards, flower arrangements, etc. all at extremely competitive and affordable rates -- and far cheaper than dining out and having similar cuisine. The name of my business needs to reflect the designer, high end, intimate feel I will provide for the events -- not just great food. I am catering to young professionals who have money to spend and enjoy dining out, fine wines, etc. I would say ages 28-38 on average. I like "Dine by Design," but found out it is not an available name. I will be catering to the clients needs by designing great in-home parties, therefore each event will be specially designed. I want to stay away from catering terms, because this really is high-end restaurant food, not awful catered food. I not only am a restaurant cook myself at one of the top restaurants in NYC, but have a great eye for decor and design, so the name needs to reflect that. I like terms like designer, couture, stylish, etc.! I also am open to using my last name in the company name. Any help would be much appreciated!
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    What about the very hip word alteration to make your name stand out? Example:

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Your Private Restaurant
    Chefs 2 U
  • Posted by Red Plume on Accepted
    How exciting! Wish I lived in NYC to take advantage of this. Some ideas:
    Culinary Couture
    Chic Chefs
    City Chefs
    Gourmet Soiree

    Phil is right, you should definitely incorporate or become an LLC to protect yourself. It will need to be a part of your official name, on all that great federal, state, county, legal, etc paperwork, but the three little letters do not officially have to be everywhere, like your URL or your business card.

    Best of luck,
  • Posted on Accepted
    Dine In Style
    Dining In Style
    Fashionable Food
    Food In Fashion
    Chef Couture
    Culinary Triumphs
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you everyone! All very helpful responses. I am definitely starting by getting an LLC, website, etc. - hence the urgent need for a great business name. Any more ideas would be greatly appreciated:)
  • Posted on Accepted
    Try this apps for Iphone, its a real tool to generate (intelligent) brand names.
    For exemple, you put your key concept in the field (DINE ? DESIGN ?), and after you select which kind of positioning you want to have for your brand . For you, maybe TRENDY positioning can be OK or STATUS . Or try others. (there is 22 positionning in pro version)
    The apps will generate semantic items added to key concept, wich express the positioning you choosed.
    So it's provide you a list of ORIGINAL names, linked with your business et what is the positioning of it.
    This apps is the same as used by the Brand Naming Agencies !

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