
Topic: Other

Out Of The Box Lead Generation

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I work in the fitness industry promoting membership subscriptions in a highly saturated market. All the usual lead generation efforts have been tried, direct mail, banners prize draws etc. by myself and the competition. Any ideas as to how you would go about generating new leads on a tight budget? Names and numbers is the name of the game and the more out of the box the better!
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Pete, there have been some terrific ideas generated here when others asked a question similar to yours. Try clicking on the Search Questions link on the right side of this page, then use the keyword "fitness" or "gym."

    Good luck, and welcome aboard!

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    I hated the idea of going to the gym, the motivation was poor, would I keep going ? How do it attain my fitness goals etc, then my local gym ran a promotion.

    What drove me to my gym was the promise of 1-1 tuition to reach on of my fitness goals.

    Try the same, I guess you have personal trainers that could give some time to help new recruits attain a target whether weight loss, run a certain distance etc etc.

    I now pay for a regular update from a personal trainer :-)
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Member
    - Rent and sell sport utilities and facilities (movies, equipment, food, shirts, curiosities,..) , at a low prizes and with discounts to members.

    - Develop special courses and activities for singles, and be promoter of the friendly relations.

    - Develop alliances with travel agencies, and give discounts and coupons.

    - Develop activities for children in order to incentive their parents.

    - Offer classes in Companies to attract employees.


    Juan Carlos

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