
Topic: Taglines/Names

Looking For A Name For My Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have thought of this names for my cleaning company, and I would like to know which one sounds better.

Natural Breez,
Bio Green Clean,
Clean & Shinny, or
A+ Cleaners.

Thank you
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    (Note: #3 should probably read: Clean & Shiny)

    My answer would depend on who you're targeting, what makes your cleaning company different, what type of cleaning you provide, where you're located, names of your competition, etc.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    From the first two names, it appears you want to convey a green/natural positioning, while the latter two just focus on cleanliness. Either choose which one you will get the audience you want, or go with a better sounding combination, such as:

    'Clean & Green'
    or 'Green in Clean'
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    While there's certainly nothing wrong with a "green" positioning, the immediate consumer need you satisfy is "clean." Therefore, given the choices, I'd pick one of the last two.

    The problem with both of them, though, is that there's no benefit promise. Clean and shiny aren't benefits, they're features. Why do people want clean and shiny? What's the benefit of clean and shiny? Ditto with A+. What's the benefit? Who grades Clean? What does A+ even mean in the context of a cleaning product or service?

    What makes you different from, and better than, other cleaning products/services in terms of the benefit you deliver? Why should someone buy your product or service? If the only differentiator is "green," (a) you are no longer unique, and (b) you have a very weak positioning.

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