
Topic: Taglines/Names

Accessory Line Brand Name And Slogan!!! Heeelpppp!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
i am s tarting an accessory line soon.. and i am trying to find a good brand name and slogan

to tell you a bit about my first collection, it is all about vertigo and claustrophobia but all in a "fun" way..
there are bags shoes hats and a bit of jewellery
My collection has amazingly surprising proportions, and flashy colors.

the brand name i have to far is "spinning dementia"
please let me know what you think..

as a slogan i cant settle on anything yet.. but i basically want to say something like "invented the double take"

please please help
i need it asap!!
thanks :)
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Assess or Die
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    "Spinning Dementia" may be a great name (or not) - depending on your target market, where you're located, etc. Personally, I'd recommend avoiding the word "dementia" in your name, since it has many painful connotations for people.

    Other names you might consider playing with: Outa Proportion (out-a-proportion), VertiGlo, or Dimensionality.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I like the Vertiglo...
    Not too sure about the spinning dementia though. I think that would be hard to remember.

    They say it takes people 7 times of seeing a name before they remember it. Hence why companies put their name on everything. Even for this post I had to scroll back up and because I couldn't quite recall how you had it worded.

    Just my two cents...

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