
Topic: Taglines/Names

South American Spice Company

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
We are looking for a tradename for a spice company based in South America. Our target population is in the 30 to 40 year olds, upscale,organic, hand mixed gourmet spice blends and grilling rubs. We hope that in the future for exporting and would appreciate your input for tradenames. Obviously, looking at bi-cultural name but that would have certain appeal for an English speaking market also. We are thinking of Arupo Spice Company (Arupo is a native South American tree) or possibly Andean Spices. Your opinions and suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you, K
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  • Posted on Accepted
    As I think Randall is suggesting, the arupo is a beautiful tree, but it does not evoke the Andes for the typical English-speaker. You'd want to tell the story behind it -- is it the national tree of Ecuador? Without knowing more about you, you might also think along these lines:

    Chimborazo Spices
    Cayambe Spices
    The Machu Picchu Spice Company
    The Andean Spice Company
    Incan Spices

    Brent Scarcliff
    Scarcliff Salvador Branding and Naming Agency
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member is available.

    Many of us giggled at the name when we were young and then later on marvelled about it's very pristine nature. It is now a Ramsar Site which gives it more historic colour amongst North Americans.

    Many great stories about the 'Rock Puma' Lake and its people, islands and commerce. Didn't know the 'spud' came from The Titicaca Plateau...until now. Jacques Cousteau made it famous for us Boomers too!

    Very memorable and unique name and region deserving of more exposure.

    Good luck

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