
Topic: Taglines/Names

An Ideal Name For A Womens Boutique

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My name is Tiffany and i'd like to know if anyone can help me come up with a name for a women's boutique. Our focus will be mainly on women's shoes and accessories, and later we will incorporate in some womens clothing. Please.. help!
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Knowing nothing about where you are at what your target market is like what your pricing is like - it would be hard to start to identify a name for your company.
  • Posted on Author
    The store would be located in Rochester,NY. We will carry trendy womens shoes and unique accessories. Our target market would be fashion gurus and professionals, age ranges 21-36. Pricing will vary, but I would like to propose reasonable and affordable pricing for my targeted market.

    Our products will include fashoion jewelry such as charm braelets and necklaces, antique style jewelry, beaded jewelry and pearls, handmade and unique pieces. The shoes will include booties, womens fashion boots, funky flats, pumps and platforms.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    TrendzSetter Boutique

  • Posted on Accepted
    What about:

    Frou Frou

    Pronunciation [froo-froo]
    1. elaborate decoration, as frills, ribbons, or ruffles, esp. on women's clothing.
    2. a rustling, particularly the rustling of silk, as in a woman's dress.

    Your tag line could define what you sell.
    Frou Frou accessories boutique...
    taking you from fine to fabulous!

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    La La Ladies
    La Di Da
    Show Me The Shoes
    Sole Boutique
  • Posted on Accepted
    You may try

    Best Dressed
    Fab Dresser
    Style Guru
    Fab Style
    Fab Guru

  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    I "Heart" New Shoes

    Puttin' On The Witz

    Poetry In Motion

    M'Lady Du Jour

  • Posted on Accepted
    Try this apps for Iphone, its a real professional tool to generate (intelligent) brand names.
    For exemple, you put your key concept in the field (Maybe FASH or TIFFAN), and after you select which kind of positioning you want to have for your brand . For you, maybe LUXURY positioning can be OK or TRENDY, or FRENCH) . Or try others. (there is 22 positioning in pro version)
    The apps will generate semantic items added to key concept, wich express the positioning you choosed.
    So it's provide you a list of ORIGINAL names, linked with your business et what is the positioning of it.
    This apps is the same as used by the Brand Naming Agencies ! It is developed by a 20 years experienced prof in naming.

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