
Topic: Taglines/Names

Social Club Looking To Attract New Members

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are a small social club looking to attract new members. We are hosting a Halloween party this month which is open to non-members. We would like to make a postcard with a good tag line on it that we could send out to these non-member party guests to attract them to our club. All members and guests much check in at the front door as they enter the event. The thought is that we would have the postcards preprinted and would request the non-member guests fill out their name & address on the face of the postcard and we would then mail it to them (better to mail to them to avoid it getting lost or discarded at the party). I would welcome any suggestions on how to appeal to them with a short postcard tag line to pique interest and get them interested in joining.
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Make sure you make the postcard creepy. Why are you starting so late to promote this event? You should be promoting atleast 1 month in advance to get maximum exposure and attendance.
  • Posted on Author
    The event promotion began over a month ago. We only advertise / promote to our current members, but many current members will be bring guests. The guests are the ones we want to appeal to with this piece. We will not know how many guests will attend nor who they are until the night of the event. I agree that this idea comes late in the game, but there are still a few days to come up with an effective tag line, have 100 or so postcards printed up and have them ready as members and guests are greeted at the door. Just looking for a creative way to collect names and addresses from potential new members, so that we can follow up with them after the event to see how they enjoyed the event and to appeal to them to become members.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Why not collect their contact information at the door, and send them an email, call, and/or send a postcard. Don't focus on the postcard itself - focus on your goal of getting new members.

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