
Topic: Taglines/Names

Sales Meeting Theme Suggestions

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Looking for a catchy theme for a January 2010 sales meeting that focuses on:
1. building on the foundations created in 2009
2. reaping the rewards of the relationships built in 2009

Your ideas are greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    How about an attractive commision system that actually pays as advertised. That would be key. You could call it "We will actually pay you your commission and we will put it in writing". That would be not only a good theme but a great business practice.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The Next Decade
    2009+1 = $uce$$
  • Posted on Accepted
    Try this apps for Iphone, its a real professional tool to generate (intelligent) brand names.
    For exemple, you put your key concept in the field (Maybe NEXT or SUCCESS ), and after you select which kind of positioning you want to have for your brand . For you, maybe FINANCIAL positioning can be OK for you or STYATUS, or FUN) . Or try others. (there is 22 positioning in pro version)
    The apps will generate semantic items added to key concept, wich express the positioning you choosed.
    So it's provide you a list of ORIGINAL names, linked with your business et what is the positioning of it.
    This apps is the same as used by the Brand Naming Agencies ! It is developed by a 20 years experienced prof in naming.

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