
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Bus Coaching/development Consultancy

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
HI I have set up a business called Ossian. I am ex head of Learning and Dev now doing business coaching, training and development/learning consultancy primarily for law firms/other prof services. I was known by this name for a while so didn't want to change it and it feels classic - if slightly uninspired!! competitors are sherwood, kaisen, Harty Roberts so nothing really funky!

I need a personality/tag line for the business. Wanted something a little catchier than "people and performance" or "releasing potential"...Been thinking around the "bright thinking"..."classic methods, new ideas". Themes are around expertise. partnership.

What's my usp in a crowded mrkt? deep knowledge of psf sector and traditions of legal sector. . L& D background. rigour. warmth. I am an ex lawyer too so its a professional solution to a professional's problems. Am playing with either traditional or catchy. Can't decide if dry & catchy or professional and classic might be better for attention grabbing.. Any help?

will develop website around this in time..
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Delivering Breakthrough Performance

    Experience. Insight. Innovation.

    Just two quick thoughts for you!
  • Posted on Author
    thanks Phil and kellyann.. I like the combo of new ways of looking at things from Phil and also experience from kellyann..

    maybe experience. insight. fresh thinking..

    Mmm. My hesitation is that it doesn't feel very different...??

    My logo uses the O from Ossian. The O being a lovely round letter symbolising unity, growth (and actually its not quite a complete O so its also the development journey....

    any more inspired thoughts welcome!! cheers this is really helping..

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Lawyer-To-Lawyer Coaching
    Legal Coaching & Training
    The Lawyer's Training Edge
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Enlightened In Camera

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