
Topic: Taglines/Names

Creative Tagline For Construction Company

Posted by warrenconstruction on 1125 Points
We are expanding our home based business. Now have a location, signage, etc. and I desperately need a tagline and slogan for our business. We have two divisions...first a construction company: I want to express that our work is old fashioned, classic.. that we build things like they used to, with care and pride, built solid, built right. I also want to capatalize on the owner's strong personal character and values. he is truly a southern gentlemen. Also that we are always there for the client to answer questions, offer cost-saving suggestions and ideas, etc. Our guys have over 90 years combined experience and they are all southern gentlemen. We want our clients to feel at home and comfortable while we are in their home.

2nd: Custom Cabinetry and Furnishings

We have 2 highly skilled woodworkers who design and build signature cabinetry and furnishings of all kinds. The products are beautiful and handcrafted right in our location. I want to capitalize on the fact that most other "custom cabinet" companies actually order from a distributor out of the area. We make all of our products locally, using the best local materials from local businesses. I would like our clients to be inspired to buy locally to reduce their carbon footprint and to support the local economy. We are creating jobs.

I need help FAST! I'm working on a direct mail piece that has to be in tomorrow! Please help!
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  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    1. Wisdom, Warmth, Workmanship

    2.HomeGrown Custom Cabinets,
    Unique By Nature-Local By Choice,

    A few ideas to get you started.
    Good Luck.
  • Posted by warrenconstruction on Author
    I really like that...Unique by Nature-Local by Choice...that's fantastic.

    Thank you!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Local Wisdom. Beautiful Results.
    Old-Fashioned Craftsmanship. Local Values. Lasting Beauty.
    Artisan Local Builders
  • Posted on Accepted
    (This is advice that probably won't help you with your direct mail piece tonight, but might be of use in the future.)

    It sounds like your two businesses, while in the same industry, are actually quite distinct in terms of how they stand out from your competitors in the local marketplace.

    Is your audience for the building business the same as the for the cabinet making business? Do you have many customers that patronize both business? If the answer to these questions is no, you may want to create separate marketing campaigns (and messages) for each of the businesses.

    If there is some crossover but it's not immediate (say someone hires you for a building project once and then comes back for custom cabinetry at a later date), you could do crossover campaigns for existing customers (sell cabinetry to construction customers and vice versa) and use the single-focus messaging for prospecting new customers.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Stunning Cabinetry Crafted by Artisans.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Built with southern pride
    Built solid with southern pride
    Built solid with old fashioned southern pride
  • Posted by AA/Swap on Accepted

    Name: Green Ethics Builders
    Logic: Word "Ethics" captures your owner's strong personal character and values. Word "Green" depicts you care for environment. Word "Builders", sum up the first & second word in a very classy way, depicting we build ethics & green buildings.



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