
Topic: Taglines/Names

Can You Help Me With A Tag Line

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have a pet sitting business and I would like a logo and a tag line. My business is called Aloha Pet Care and I was thinking of a tag line of "A Vacation for Your Pet". I chose the name Aloha Pet Care because I decided to leave my corporate life to work with animals on my anniversary in Hawaii last year. I would like the logo and tag line for business cards, advertising and for my website. My business is a worry free way for pet owners to leave their pets and know that they will be taken care of as if they were my own. I have pets in my home but my main business is going to people's homes where the pet lives so they do not have the anxiety of going to a kennel. I offer a lot of play time and one on one time while their owners our away. Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated. If anyone does logos, I would love help with that also.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Lisa, maybe you can help satisfy my curiosity... there are a lot of new members here who ask for help with a tag line. How did you find this forum, or what made you decide to seek help here?

    I'll ponder your situation in the meantime...

    A mighty fun one to ponder, I must say!

    - Shelley
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member

    I would be more than happy to help you with a tagline and design your logo for you. Please feel free to contact me for some potfolio pics and more detail (just click on my name).

    Thank you and hope to hear from you soon!

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi lisa_sellman,

    here are some ideas:

    Aloha Pet Care: Saying good bye never felt so good

    Aloha Pet Care: Time your pet will love

    Aloha Pet Care: Shooting the brezze with your pet

    Aloha Pet Care: Your pet will love you for it

    Aloha Pet Care: It is like you never left

    Aloha Pet Care: we go the extra mile for your pet

    Hope this helps you

    Have a nice day


  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Hi Lisa, I was thinking along the lines of Aloha Pet Care, We Provide Separate Vacations

    Best of luck,

    - Steve

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