
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name And Tagline For Online Marketing Business

Posted by Neil on 500 Points
A friend of mine is starting an online marketing business. He will focus on permission-based email marketing, SEO, PPC, and social networking.

While he has considerable web design experience, design will not be one of the services the firm will offer. He will consult to help companies develop an effective webpage for marketing and ask the right things from the designer.

Ideas are welcome for a name and tagline for this business. Thanks.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Let's talk about who the primary target audience will be and how they'll become aware of the business. Is there a particular industry or place in the life-cycle or geography your friend will be serving? Or is your friend going to try to be all things to all people?

    Before we can help with a name and tagline, we need to understand the target audience, their needs, and exactly what benefit your friend will provide that's important and unique for the intended audience.

    We can definitely help, but we'll need the additional information. Does your friend have marketing and business plans? If not, those should really come before the naming and tagline development. Starting a business without a well-thought-out business plan is a precursor to failure, as you well know. Friends don't let friends do that.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Like M Goodman says -- Define your market first!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    eMarketing Success
    Online Marketing Insights
    Online Marketing Results
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Marketing Insiders Access
    MIA Produces eBusinness Survivors.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I propose to you those brands, generated with The Brand Generator (, the pro tool to create names for iPhone and Itouch
    But check availability first !
  • Posted by Neil on Author
    I am going to close this question soon but my friend did define his market as "small to mid sized businesses without an in house expert."

    I am not sure if this affects answers but more ideas are welcome. The ideas so far are good. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far.

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