
Topic: Taglines/Names

Travel Agent Name And Logo

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm based in Kosovo, the newest independent country in the world, and run a catering business in the capital town, Pristina. I am thinking of getting into travel business and provide air tickets to local and international community residing in this area.

I would appreciate any ideas on name and logo for a travel agency. I plan to run this business both online and travel agent shops.

If you can come across a suitable name please post it at your will and I will give the utmost consideration.

Regards and thanks in advance.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Greetings from the US. I have many friends who came to the US from Kosovo.

    I would call your business simply - Kosovo Travel.
    I believe this would pull in a great many people who are looking for information to travel back home as well as the friends of those who are in the US, Germany and other countries.

    If you have questions or would like to just chat, contact me via my profile.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Hello from Nova Scotia also.

    Would this phrase work for your international & local Air Travel clients?

    A la Carte Travel .... (with proper accents)

    Your Logo could be a Waiter offering Tickets (or The Globe) on a Serving Tray ...

    As a caterer this might be an easy image for you to come across...

    Good Luck

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