
Topic: Taglines/Names

Husband/wife Real Estate Need A Catchy Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello -

My husband and I are residential Real Estate Brokers and we are looking to to build our brand and name recognition with a catchy tagline. It will appear on our website, business cards, bus benches etc...
Our last name is Yeager and we call ourselves The Yeager Team thus far, but need a tag to go with it.
We are young (30), hardworking and really go above and beyond and are looking for something fresh and innovative to go with our work ethic. We have a 'back to basics' approach where we listen to our clients needs and work very hard to fulfill them. We also care about each clients situation and fully vest ourselves their home (building relationships for future referrals, it's not just about the closing for us).
Any help to get the creative juices flowing would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Can you play off of Chuck Yeager's reputation and apply it to your business? For example: Legendary Real Estate Service?

    The values you express are expected for all Realtors: work hard, available 24/7, caring, etc. What people really want are great negotiators, people who specialize in a specific housing niche like no other, can help them visualize how their client's needs could be achieved with different properties, etc.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    If there are a few common themes in our suggestions to realtors (about taglines), they are:

    1. Cute and catchy are not as effective as targeted, specific and meaningful/benefit-oriented.

    2. The best positioning for a realtor seems to be a focused approach -- don't try to be everything to everyone. If you are particularly interested in people moving in from out of town, then zero in on those folks. If you're into condos, zero in on those folks. Etc.

    3. The guidelines for a strong positioning apply -- unique, benefit oriented (answer the "what's-in-it-for-me?" question), truthful, believable, etc. The role of the tagline is to communicate the positioning. You'll only be memorable if you have a unique, important and relevant benefit to offer. Catchy slogans that are just words (e.g., puns, rhymes, etc.) are worthless if they don't SAY SOMETHING.

    Who are your best and most valuable clients? What do they have in common with each other that distinguishes them from all the others? How would they describe their experience with you? (Have you interviewed them to find out?)
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks everyone! Sounds like catchy wasn't the right word...In this vast world of Realtors we want to stand out, get noticed. Sometimes we only have a second to do that. We are highly skilled in the professional sense (marketing, negotiating, putting the deal together and getting top dollar), which we can show once we meet a client, it's getting in the door first. For example, our bus bench will be in the neighborhood we live in, next to a church and a school. It's also at a stop light so the foot and car traffic will be great. We want to avoid the used car salesman approach and say something meaningful in just a few words that will catch a prospects attention.
    I've seen some on your sight like 'spouses selling houses', 'Stop waiting Start moving' etc, but so many of them are already being used we want someone to walk by and say 'that's cleaver, funny, Witty', a big portion of the job is brand recognition and in Real Estate we are the brand.
  • Posted on Author
    Maybe I should rephrase and request help with a slogan instead of a tagline.
    Thanks so much for all of your fast and well thought out responses!!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Where are you located? Maybe the right approach is to refer to the geography.

    Who is the primary target audience? What's your "sweet spot" within the residential real estate market? What do you sell most of, do best with, generate greatest satisfaction with?

    Why should someone pick you as their realtor instead of one of the other hundred realtors in your area? They all say they do all the things you do, don't they?

    I don't really believe a tagline or a slogan will make you any more memorable unless the CONTENT, the BENEFIT, and the MEANING of what it says are truly compelling to your primary target audience.

    It's not easy being different/better in your business. But that's really what it will take to stand out from the crowd and get people to remember you when it counts.

    P.S. If you find a tagline or slogan you like but it's being used elsewhere (in another geographic area), there's no reason you can't use it too. You don't have to totally reinvent the wheel.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Here's a custom search for every thread ever on KHE that contains any one of the terms:

    + Real Estate
    + Realtor
    + Agent [note: link has been revised]

    That search will work in the future, too. I mean it will capture any future threads with those search terms.


  • Posted on Author
    Thanks everyone for responding...We're in Chicago and primarily sell on the North side of the city. We work with all types of clients ranging from the $300K - $1.5M range, condos, townhomes, single families - you name it we sell it.
    It doesn't sound like anyone is a big fan of the tagline/slogan idea, but what are we supposed to put on our bench? Just our photo and company name seems a bit boring. Thoughts?
    Chris - I tried that link but I got an error message.
    Jay Hamilton Roth - I do like where you are going with the Chuck Yeager idea, we may spin off of that.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    I've revised that link (above) again.

    Now captures around 1,640 results!

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