
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help With A Real Estate Team Name And Slogan

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a residential Realtor for Keller Williams Realty in Tampa, FL. My name is Ken. I love to play golf. I was in the mortgage business for 9 years. I would like to incorporate a key or roof/house into the logo, so I do not want it just to be about golf, etc...I need your help in designing a team name and slogan. Thank you in advance.
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    This question has been asked thousands of times on this forum - you should data mine the forum for past questions to see the answers.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Who is your primary target audience? Why should they list/work with you? What benefit will you offer them?

    Instead of trying to serve everyone, why not focus your efforts on a narrow segment ... maybe seniors, or first-time home buyers, or young families, or people moving to town, etc.?

    You're much better off trying to capture a 100% share of a small market segment than a 0.001% share of a big one ... and it will probably cost you a lot less to get the word out to them.

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