
Topic: Taglines/Names

Baseline For A Stockphoto Website

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
hie all,
i need a baseline for a stock photo website's print ad
it should highlight " for those who cannot tolerate pixels/low reso pics".
or that we have "best quality pics"
any questions or suggestions r welcome

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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    You could look at any design mag and notice that the big players print adverts tend to position on price, selection and usability. It is multiple variables or baselines at work.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Since you have stiff competition from other stock photo websites, what distinguishes you from your competition? Do you specialize in certain topics, locations, or formats? Also, who is your copy targeting?
  • Posted by AA/Swap on Accepted

    Whaz the USP of your website. For eg:
    1. Stock images from Well knowned Photographers
    2. Images which can be purchased at very economical price
    3. Free Stock images
    4. What sort of images you plan to have - Everything or specialised like Sports, Traditional, space etc

    If you can give more insights, many of us will be able to provide you with valuable suggestions!!!

  • Posted on Author
    good quality Images can be purchased at very economical price. so even DTP operators can afford it
    we plan to have all sorts of images for editorial point of view and even advertising (more of advertising)
    and we even have historical images from late 1870's
    our target audience wont be big shot ad agency but local level DTP operators who don't tend to subscribe a proper stockimage agency due to high pricing and land up using pictures with low resolution

    i hope this would help
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear vdshah19,

    How about:

    Affordable quality images—the stock photo company for desktop publishers.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    New Developments In Our DTP Library.

    Extra Value Found In Our DTP Images.

    Quality Stock Photos Without The Queue.

    Hope this gives you a different perspective ...sorry couldn't resist.

  • Posted on Author
    thank u so much all of u
    but i was looking forward for a sarcastic approach as if i was taunting them n saying instead of those low resolution pics use good quality pics at lower price.

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