
Topic: Taglines/Names

Naming An Event Celebrating The Arts

Posted by pbridge on 125 Points
My daughter's K-8 public school is a fine arts magnet school, meaning there's an educationally-directed exposure to art, music, dance and drama along with traditional core curriculum such as language, math and social studies. It's a really wonderful environment where kids thrive and grow. The school is celebrating it's 30th anniversary next spring with a large event they hope will also provide raise funds to maintain the arts emphasis. Current parents and alumni (students and parents) will be invited. We're looking for a name for the event -- more likley a dinner/dance/silent auction but not a black tie event -- that will capture the spirit of the school and also be fun and marketable. "Spring Fling" is the best we've come up with so far. Any suggestions are much appreciated.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    The traditional gift for a 30th anniversary is are pearls, so why not name your event along those lines: "Our Pearls", "Pearls from YourSchoolName", "Sharing Our Success", etc.?
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Accentuate The Positive - Borrowed from Arlen & Mercer Lyric and based on your use of magnetic.

    Used this title in a way that would motivate attendance similar to a Tagline.

    Could even be great musical show tune for the event...with many if not all students contributing.

    Favourite ART quote from a strange source...just because I love it so....

    "Life isn't a support system for art. It's the other way around." — Stephen King .

    Have a blast!
  • Posted on Accepted
    Young At Art
    To Our Art's Delight
  • Posted by Ghost Writer on Accepted
    Loving "Young At Art"! Good one, Brent.

    How about:

    Ars Gratia Artis (art for art's sake)

    Ars Gratia Juvenis (art for youth's sake)

    The Art of the Matter

    Give With Your Art

    The Art's The Thing

  • Posted by pbridge on Author
    Thanks, all, for your quick and thoughtful responses. I've added several to the list for review by our board. Very much appreciate your help!

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