
Topic: Other

Valentine's Day Promo

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Can you help me come-up with a promo for Valentine's Day? Our company is a retailer of I.T products? (laptops, desktops, etc.) We did free movie pass, flowers, spa.
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear Jana,

    Isn't what you're asking for here is for someone to give you free marketing work? To, in effect, just GIVE you your promotional work.

    Might it be better to rephrase your question so that you say "I've got three ideas for a Valentine's Day promotion, A,B, and C. Which one might work better?"

    If your "movie pass, flowers, spa" combination has worked in the past, why not run it again and expand on it?

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    How about a paid one-week vacation, or a weekend at a local luxury destination, dinner at a fancy restaurant, a limo for a night, etc.?
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    IT buyers are stereotyped as not being the romantic type (I am sure the stereotype is often wrong, but probably correct in many cases). The whole comic strip Dilbert covers this pretty well.

    Maybe your promo can do something to help these people be more romantic. For example, maybe if they buy a certain amount from you, you wills end chocolates or flowers to someone of their choice under their name? Even if they are in a relationship, they could sued this to send to their significant other.
  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Accepted
    Hi, jana_103083

    Since you did free movie pass, flowers, spa before, I assume, that a weekend at a local luxury destination, dinner at a fancy restaurant, a limo for a night would be a stretch for you budget wise.

    You can either stick with what you've tried already, you can do something else depending on what's your budget. How about naming a star in favor of someone? You pay for the star naming and send a winner a certificate, they pick the name? It's a very romantic and unusual promo. :)

    Whatever happens -
    Good Luck!

    Natasha Chernyavskaya
    Los Angeles, CA

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