
Topic: Taglines/Names

Pop Art And Tribal Taglines

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
Hi All-
in trying to come up with catchy taglines for the upcoming retail trends I find myself stumped for anything that's really screaming AMAZING tagline. :)
I work for a girls retail clothing chain comparable to CHarlotte Russe, Wet Seal or Forever 21. Coming up we have two trends we are looking to highlight in our store windows and throughout our in-store and online graphics.
Our first theme is "pop art". The inspiration is more of the Andy Warhol or Lichtenstein look. We need a short tagline that would be mainly used on our window decals or graphics but would also carry through the rest of the marketing for that month. The second theme is Tribal. This look is more of your global tribal look with animal prints, etc. We have thrown out words such as safari, etc but feel like it needs to be more of a global feel. For the shoot we might possibly shoot in a made up set of trees and the model is sitting on furniture, etc that is all animal prints.
Any ideas on taglines would be very appreciated. thanks!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Off the top of my head - thinking the second scenario, without getting to risqué - can you do something around "wild thing?" Finding the "wild thing" in you! (Sounds acceptable for late teens - not early and pre-teens.) Might look at patterning it after "old" Abercrombie and Fitch concepts - they were (many, many years ago) safari outfitters. Of course you have to steer clear of any potential PETA fallout.

    Good Luck - I'll keep it in the back of my mind as I work on other stuff.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Be POPular
    Be Part Of The Global Tribe
  • Posted by Red Plume on Accepted
    With the pop art, something along the lines of “become art.” Just like pop art, true style takes mainstream products in combinations that makes the wearer unique. Wearable art.
    Paint Yourself POPular (to go off Jay's suggestion)
    Wear your ART on your sleeve

    As for the tribal, I'm thinking along world music.
    Discover the world
    Support distinction, avoid extinction
    Style without borders
    Join the tribe (similar to Jay's)

    Hope these spark an idea in you.

    Best of luck,
  • Posted by pghpromo on Accepted
    Here are some snippets that might prove useful:

    Make it pop.
    Colors that Sing. Style that Pops.
    Get more than 15 minutes of fame.
    Pop Pop! Get Noticed.

    World Up
    Tribal Time = Big Style
    The Tribe is U.
    Tribe U.
    U R the Tribe.
    World at your feet.
    small world demands big style
    Style Tribe
    See the World in Tribal Fashion
    Wild Wild World of Fashion/Style
    When it comes to style, the Tribe needs Leaders.
    Nobody knows the Tribal we've seen! (apologies to Lena Horne)

    -- Paul
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    FreeRange Art for your 1st need. Implies Eco thingy plus Art that is not framed or anchored.

    2nd .... SuperNature.

    Prints etc will be on materials and objects that are man made vs natural??

    Have Fun!!

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