
Topic: Other

Marketing Celebrity Sports Stars

Posted by Anonymous on 150 Points
I have just recently started a sports marketing company with an ex-NBA star and ex-NFl star through them we have access to all athletes in all sports. I am currently getting frustrated with the amount of corporations that say "not interesed" in the big commercial or endorsement deals, and want to do the small autograph signing or appearance deals. Is there a market for using sports celebrities in commercials besides the normal sport affiliated corporations? If so how do i go about creating a good marketing piece for my athletes that will create interest in commercial or endorsement deals, and how do i go about finding the right companys that are interested in using sports stars?


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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    KK+ is right on. Big endorsement deals are hard to come by, even if your clients are well-known. And if you have to "market them" you're in trouble from the beginning. The big companies come to find the athletes they want; they don't respond to someone "marketing" a has-been athlete.

    I represented a major league baseball hall-of-famer, and we ended up with a very successful marketing approach that essentially sold autographs in an interesting and novel way. It wasn't flashy and it did take a lot of time and effort, but it made both me and my client a bunch of money, and we felt it was the best solution to the situation.

    If you want further details, I'd prefer to give them in a private discussion. Just click on my username and send me private email. Of course, every situation is different, and my experience may not apply.

    Some questions: Have your clients written books? Are they on the motivational speakers' circuit? Do they have businesses of their own? What do THEY want out of this?

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted

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