
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Catchy Name And Tagline For Art Business

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello, my name is Heidi, I am an artist.

I'm looking for a name and tagline for my business. Currently, I paint with acrylics on canvas, mirrors, and other unique surfaces. (Usually on the canvas though.) I also have charcoal and oil pastel drawings. I make mosaic as well. Usually in picture frames to hang in windows or as orbs. (So basically, Altered art.) I sell what I make and also take custom orders.

I want a catchy and trendy name. I am open to any and all good suggetions!!!

Thanks in advance!
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear Heidi,

    Just tell people what you offer and who you are.

    "Altered Art by Heidi McLean".

    When I'm shopping for art, which I do from time to time, the last thing
    I think of is how catchy and trendy the artist's business name is. No one cares.

    You do not need trendy or catchy. You need relevance and significance. Trends come and go. That which is caught can be dropped. But a simple name?

    A simple name lasts forever.

    Do you think Picasso ever wanted to be known for being catchy and trendy? Or Monet? Or Vincent Van Gogh?

    Personally, i think they were too busy making great art.

    Forget trying to be trendy. Focus on what you do best.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by thecynicalmarketer on Member
    I will take a wild guess that you have an Impressionist style. If yes, then:

    ** "Impressions by Heidi"

    Best of luck, JohnnyB
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Touched By Heidi
    Art That Moves You.

    Intensive Care For Your Artistic Soul

  • Posted on Author
    I was thinking of catchy not necessarily for the selling strategy but for people to remember the name. That said, Phil, I have a job at a non profit art organization, and I usually paint for people who see my donated works in the auctions and want me to do something for them. I usually paint in representational abstract style. I do custom paintings as well. Price range from $100 to $500 dollars. Gary, I am focused on making great art, that's why I am getting assistance from you guys with the name.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Painted Visions
    Abstract Insights
    Brushed With Awareness

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