
Topic: Taglines/Names

Internal Employees Motivational Programme Theme

Posted by vasudev_kamath on 25 Points
Hi All,

We have still be struggling to get it right & convince the TOP management to get a buy in with the Theme for next financial year for our internal employees across global offices amongst all the options given by our team & by all of you. This one seems a tough nut to crack.

The Final option presented by me were:-

impACT - Self Starters. Working Smarter
Lets Grow Together!!

Feedback received were:-

1) To look for a more powerful/alternative word for impACT since impact can be positive as well as negative.
2) Look for a better word for Working Smarter. In a corporate scenario smart work could be taken in an wrong context by superiors passing on the buck or making the juniors & subordinates slog it out while they take on the credit.

The Final name, tag line & catch line should be derived by focusing on these focus points:-
1) Revenue Optimisation
2) Cost Savings in form of save energy, save paper, recycle, grow more trees, carbon credit, go green, basically care for planet earth.
3) Bringing all projects to completion with teamwork.

These are by other options probably to brainstorm:-

Make a positive impACT
Lets Grow together !!

Post the final theme is finalised we would alo need teh image that would go alonng with the theme.

Last year we used two ants carrying a apple to signify Synergy which was well appreciated.

Your thoughts, creative inputs & ideas awaited.

best Regards,
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  • Posted by vasudev_kamath on Author
    Hi karen,

    thanks for your prompt response.

    the successories site was a eye opener for lot of gift items & trophies which could be used in the program many thanks. however the key words provided by your self like:-

    team work, excellence, enterprising, collaborate are quite cliché & are used daily & employees get quite bored by listening to them daily on conference calls , mailers by their bosses & all hands calls & leadership meets.

    the theme, catch line & tag line needs to be powerful which should immediately put ones adrenal rushing, & keep you on your toes 365 days a year.

    Something like:-

    Velocity - Redefining direction, Maximising speed
    Synergy - Strengthening relationship, fostering business
    Together we can together we will.

    the above words say it all.

    Thanks & Regards,
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    No matter what words you choose, the underlying motivational message will be trite. A theme won't get adrenalin rushing - they are just words, without emotion.

    Instead, can you go through your recent history to find specific examples of how you've changed people's lives for the better? Then, spread the story, and create a word or phrase that anchors to that story. The story is the message that may inspire, and the theme would reflect the story. You might be interested in a book I reviewed:
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Jay speaks the truth ... again.

    Emotive words work best ... because they hook onto emotions/stories/messages that matter most to your audience. (I'm trying to build similar ideas into the narrative to sell my home)

    I'm wondering if anything or any success stories from you recent past align themselves with the ocean, waves, rolling on the beach - alone not making too much of a difference but overtime redefining the coastline...together.
    Jay's ANCHOR word got me thinking.

    Without a story perhaps working backwards to find something that fits the 'power of waves' analogy below.

    The Power of Persistence

    Images should come easily from this shoreline assault of many acting together towards the same target.

  • Posted by vasudev_kamath on Author
    Hi Jay, karen, Nova,

    Many thanks for your inputs.

    We just finished our call with our leadership team today.

    This is what the final outcome of the call has been.


    They have asked us to rework on the tagline which needs to be in lines of Service Excellence & operational Efficiency having a positive impact.

    The earlier tagline was Lets Grow together - which has been rejected.


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