
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For 1 Person Spa

Posted by BlueSage on 250 Points
I would like an interactive and/or catchy name for a one person 'spa'. Mostly skin treatments like facials, derriere facials, waxing. Less of body wraps, not a 'full' spa in the strict sense of the word. My last name is Joi if that helps. I would prefer it to be interactive as opposed to risque. Regular spelling.

Interactive as in something can be actively done, Spa Wave, and come up with a wave that would be known as the spa wave. Smart, cute, catchy.
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  • Posted by BlueSage on Author
    Thanks Phil. I like it. However...

    if one is to write it enjoi, no one would know how to pronounce it. I listened to a webinar today that was saying to avoid that, people will get confused and just walk away.

    I like the 'mini spa' tag though.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    It depends on what you're really trying to communicate. Is the positioning benefit "we pamper you?" If so, then "Pamper Spa" or "Pampered" might work. If the benefit is related to how you'll feel after your time at the spa, then perhaps "Inner Glow" would be better. If you bring a special technique to the party, then "Mediterranean Spa" or "Island Spa" might work (if that's where the technique was developed). If you're targeting a specific segment of the market, then you might want to refer to that. Etc.

    It's hard to know what direction to go for the name without some direction from you. What benefit are you trying to communicate to your target audience? (And, for that matter, who IS the primary target audience?")

    Think of it this way: If we come up with a dozen good names, how are you going to decide which one to use? What are the criteria for picking a winner? If you can tell us that, there's a much better chance we can help you.
  • Posted by BlueSage on Author
    My target is women and men.

    Most estheticians won't touch someone with roscea, however I will, because the products I use help rosacea. I make them and they are herbal and organic.

    I use fresh ingredients, many times food ingredients. Particularly for the exfoliants and masks.

    More specific targets are the aging population, baby boomers, those with specific skin problems, acne, dry skin, aging skin, rosacea, dull/weathered skin.

    I think in this era of economic crisis, to stay away from the 'pamper' word is wise.

    the feeling I want them to leave with is; refreshed, clean skin, soft skin, relaxed, dewy complexion, knowing they had a facial [or other skin treatment] with the best fresh products and the outside of their skin is the best it can be at that time.

    Did that help?

  • Posted by BlueSage on Author
    Can anyone here help me with naming my one person spa?
  • Posted by BlueSage on Author
    I would like an interactive and/or catchy name for a one person 'spa'. Mostly skin treatments like facials, facials, waxing. Less of body wraps, not a 'full' spa in the strict sense of the word. I would prefer it to be interactive as opposed to risque. Regular spelling.

    Interactive as in something can be actively done, Spa Wave, and come up with a wave that would be known as the spa wave. Smart, cute, catchy.

    My target is women and men.

    Most estheticians won't touch someone with roscea, however I will, because the products I use help rosacea. They are herbal and organic.

    I use fresh ingredients, many times food ingredients. Particularly for the exfoliants and masks.

    More specific targets are the aging population, baby boomers, those with specific skin problems, acne, dry skin, aging skin, rosacea, dull/weathered skin.

    The feeling I want them to leave with is; refreshed, clean skin, soft skin, relaxed, dewy complexion, knowing they had a facial [or other skin treatment] with the best fresh products and the outside of their skin is the best it can be at that time.

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