
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Theatre Restaraunt

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm looking for a tag line for the restaurant situated in our theatre. The Restaurant is called Encore Brasserie and the problem is that Encore isn’t getting the business outside of shows. Anyone help with some suggestions?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    We can work on the tagline, but it's not clear that the problem you are having traces to not having a tagline. And that means it's not likely that just having a tagline will solve the problem.

    Let's start with the target audience you are trying to attract to the restaurant (when they are not at the theatre). Who are these folks? Where do they live? How often do they eat at restaurants? Families, couples, singles, seniors? What are they looking for when they choose a restaurant? Is the Encore Brasserie even in their consideration set? Why/why not? Maybe they've never heard of the place. Maybe it's too fancy/expensive or too "ordinary" for their needs. Maybe parking is a problem for them. Maybe they've heard some bad things about the restaurant. It could be any number of things.

    To paraphrase P.T. Barnum, "When people aren't coming to your restaurant, there's just no stopping them."

    If you can give us more information about the primary target audience, we can come up with some tagline suggestions, but it's not clear that a tagline alone is going to accomplish what you want it to. And if you solve the problem without a tagline, then maybe you don't need a tagline at all.
  • Posted on Member
    Bravura cuisine, for lunch or dinner.
  • Posted by tracyp on Accepted
    Whether you're going to the show or not, the Encore Brasserie is your ticket to dining bliss.

    Got tickets? No matter, Encore Brasserie serves up dinner with dramatic flare.

    Come for dinner, stay for the drama (or not).
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Cannes Film Festival also has awards for Best Commercials.
    They sell previious years copies in DVD format.

    Run those during the day for 15 minutes (One the Hour) in Restaurant or wine bar..great art/film related and very well done.

    The word will spread and folks should be tempted to hang around for more than one showing of God Silver and Bronze winners etc.

  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Sorry forget to add, a tagline may not be the complete answer but tweaking the atmosphere or menu as suggested above could.

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