
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need A Tagline For Multiple Products And Service

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are a small commerical print company that offers in house graphic design, digital and analog copying, offset printing, and promotional products. We've been searching for a tagline to best represent us and have been unsucessful. I even got my networking group to join in and make a game out of it. Who comes up with the best tagline wins $50, but they just don't know the industry well enough. They focus on printing and that's it. Right now we are Anchor Press, tagline: Design, Print, and Mail.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Part of the problem with a tagline for your business is you're looking for something "special" to define you and you have represented your company as "just like everyone else." I know of very few printing houses that don't have in house graphic design, digital and analog copying, offset printing, and promotional products. Those folks who are trying to help with with a tagline and only look at printing - well, that IS what you do! Sure, you have in-house support your printing. You wouldn't consider selling your graphics time to support other activities not related to printing, would you? You have copying - so people will come in and you can evaluate if they can be a printing customer (bet you make more margin on printing than copying!) You do promotional products - because you can print many of them and the others you have are "filler." You're a PRINTING company. There's nothing wrong with that. When I want to hire a printing company, I don't want one that can rent me a car too. I want an expert.

    The key to your tagline (and your business survival) is this: What makes you special? Why do your customers come to you versus the other half dozen or more printers within a five mile radius? Don't say, "Full service," or "We care," or "Quality service." Every one of your competitors say that. If you determine your core competencies and how you've positioned them into competitive advantages, your tagline - AND your marketing strategy will come together, make sense, and be exciting. Could you share a little more of this with us?

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I was thinking along the same lines as Phil - working with your current tag line. The one part that I don't like is mail, as this is only one way to market, but it sounds like you do more. So I was thinking off something alone the lines of:

    "We design, print, and market"
    "we design, print, and promote".

    Neither quote sounds right yet, but that is the direction I was thinking.
  • Posted by rjohnni on Accepted
    Strong Leadership Trait,
    ANCHOR PRESS: 'We Also Print.'

    Strong Marketing Statement,
    ANCHOR PRESS: 'We Go Beyond Print.'



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