
Topic: Taglines/Names

Good Name For Hockey Camp

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hello Marketing Experts,
I am running a hockey camp in Colorado Springs, CO. I have a bunch of people that want to do it and I have bought the domain I work on all aspects of the game, including a day on skating, day on stickhandling and puck protection, day 3 is shooting and scoring, day 4 will be games, different competitions on stuff we have learned throughout the week..I am looking for some cool names for the camp. I know that this site has the best marketers on it and wanted to get some fun ideas. Let me know.
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    I like just what you've secured in a domain name: Colorado Springs Hockey Camps. This will allow you to create and establish a solid brand for multiple locations if that's your eventual goal (no pun intended!) while communicating exactly what you are.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    (Aside: I'm assuming you really purchased "" and not "" -- notice the "a" between the r and the d.)

    Also - is this an ice hockey or roller hockey camp? Targeted to kids or adults (or both)? What ages? Men and women?

    As others have suggested, Colorado Springs Hockey Camps (Inc/LLC/etc.) are fine names. But it sounds like you want something a bit more striking. Consider: Stick It Camps!, Breakaway Hockey Camps, or Red Line Hockey Camps.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your input so far. I appreciate it. Yes Jay, I was looking for something more striking. Thanks to all of you so far!
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    Consider purchasing hockey pucks imprinted with your logo--for use during camp AND to distribute to local businesses for promoting your camp, chamber of commerce, youth and park/rec dept of surrounding towns; send them to local media (print, television, radio). T-shirts for campers will also help with that. Great idea to run (er, skate) with!!

    Best of luck,
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for everybody's help with this. Cheers and good luck to all of you!

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