
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Name And Tagline For Onsite Yoga Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need a new name and tagline for my onsite yoga business. All help would be greatly appreciated! My business primarily provides onsite yoga classes for the workplace, but we provide classes for any organized groups (apartment complexes, rehabilitation centers, parties, small privates etc.) Some guidelines or tips that may help you help me: we have a team of instructors,located in chicago, prefer not to have workplace or corporate as part of the name, clients are typically new to yoga or do not frequent yoga studios regularly, large range of abilities and ages within classes, idea is to make yoga convenient and encourage activity and health for clients, introduce the health benefits of yoga to others, promote making time for health, we are affiliated with a chiropractic and sports rehabilitation clinic, prefer not to use sanskrit or yoga words that clients might not be able to understand, something catchy that stands out, needs to reach out to corporate clients but still have a fun energy, name needs to be attractive to men so not to feminine. I hope these tips create some ideas. I'm driving myself crazy trying to come up with a name that brings all of these ideas together. Thank you for any help you can give.
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  • Posted on Author
    I meant to make this a 250 point question, its showing 25. How do I change this?
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your thoughts Solange. I think opening insight is a little confusing, and not the point I want to make. One yoga move at a time brings some thoughts.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Yoga To Go
    Yoga To You
    Yoga Everywhere
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks to all of you that responded to my question! I greatly appreciate your efforts. Though I'm still not sure about a name and would appreciate more ideas.

    Karen suggested Mobile Yoga and adding Chicago or windy city to it because mobile yoga has already been taken. The reason I need to rename my business is because of trademark issues. My current name is Chicago YogaWorks. A studio in California is named Yoga Works, and although I put Yoga and Works together and added the city of Chicago to it, it conflicts with a similarity law. So I need something unused and completely different so I don't run into the same problem. I will look into synonyms for mobile, thanks for that suggestion.

    Jay, Yoga to You, and Yoga to Go are already taken. I'm not a big fan of yoga everywhere. I'd love some more names that you might come up with.

    Phil, I like on-site yoga instructors and I am already an LLC. But it seems kind of long and forgetable even though it is very descriptive and tells people exactly what I'm doing. Your idea has definitely brought some new thoughts in.

    Sorry to be so picky, but I'm hoping to find a new name that I truly love, since I'm redoing the name. I want it to be strong to grow with, really create a solid branding in the city. I hope that my response to yours, may provide more ideas. Thanks again!! Look forward to hearing more from you.
  • Posted on Author
    Also, I was able to up the points to 250.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    How about 'Workplace Workout'

    Good luck
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Yoga Has Arrived
    Yoga To 'Ya
    Yoga On Wheels
  • Posted by rjohnni on Accepted


    Very clearly differentiates, and even urges. Its chic.

    Liked Jay's Yoga to Ya, awesome!!!


  • Posted on Accepted
    for cheese factor, how about "Yoda Yoga"

    "teach you the ways, we will"

    Or for less cheese, how about, "NewYou Yoga"

    "inner peace, wherever, whenever"

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