
Topic: Research/Metrics

Brand Awareness Tracking Studies - Who Does Them?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am interested in finding a brand awareness tracking study. I would like to find longitudinal data, 3 or more years worth, for key online retailers like amazon, ebay,,,, etc.

Do you know of any studies that tracked brand awareness over a few years for key online retailers?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Given that these studies are almost always conducted for specific clients, it's not likely a company that sponsored the study would share it freely. They consider this sort of thing a valuable -- and highly confidential -- asset.

    And any market research firm that released the data without explicit concurrence from the client is either violating a non-disclosure agreement (and thus subject to a serious lawsuit) or, at a minimum, putting its own reputation in serious jeopardy.

    What are you trying to learn? Maybe we can help you get the information some other way. Or maybe you'll need to commission your own study.
  • Posted on Author
    We are trying to determine what a reasonable target is for us to set for improvement in our brand awareness. We wanted to use a few examples of companies that improved their awareness as case models and learn the key actions they took to drive that improvement (i.e. what media, tv, magazine, etc. campaigns, social media strategy, online advertising, etc.).

    So, getting longitudinal brand awareness together with key marketing activities were the keys to help us understand what impact we could have on our brand awareness using different activities...
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    The information you're seeking is highly proprietary for the companies that are sophisticated enough to measure and track brand awareness. And if you do your own longitudinal study, it will take years before you have the kinds of information you seek.

    Your best bet is to find and retain an experienced marketing/management consultant who has been through this drill before for a range of different clients. If they are good, they'll be able to separate the relevant similarities and differences (between your company and the ones with which they've had prior experience), and they can steer you in the right direction.

    Of course, no two situations are exactly parallel, so even if you had the information you're describing, it doesn't mean the results necessarily apply to your company, your industry, your objectives, your positioning, your advertising strategy, etc.

    This is a perfect situation to bring in the outside expertise. Contact me via the email address in my profile if you want to discuss further.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    While completely agreeing with Michael, I understand your need for benchmark/case studies. Here are two that I published recently:

    1) the Diamond Model, which was developed in 1993 for Nabisco to monitor the LifeSavers brand, and has been applied in other fast moving categories and OTC drugs:

    “What is Important? Identifying Metrics that Matter”, M. Lautman and K. Pauwels, Journal of Advertising Research, 49 (3), September, 339-359, 2009.

    2) a 7 year analysis of all brands in 4 FMCG categories, using TNS tracking data:
    “Mindset Metrics in Market Response Models: An Integrative Approach”, S. Srinivasan, M. Vanheule and K.Pauwels, Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming (available on the journal's website)

    These should give you a good idea of the potential insights from longitudinal analysis of such tracking data. Feel free to contact me for more information, and please keep us posted on your findings in this key area of my research!

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