
Topic: Taglines/Names

1 Stop Shop Printing,design & Internet Rental Name

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

please help me find a good name for my upcoming business. i need many options since it's hard to register for names if it is already used by others.

it is going to be a one stop shop--- there's printing and designs of posters, bday cards, business cards, flyers etc, also accepting offset and large format printings like tarpaulins. of course we have internet rental also for email chatting etc and computer gaming.

it caters to all type of market as long as he/she knows how to use computer.

please suggest good name for my business that will attract customers.

also if you can give ideas on the opening day or any promos to catch more customers.

thank u for all the help.

regards all
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  • Posted on Accepted
    You already answered your question...

    "One Stop Shop Printing"
    We handle ALL your design needs.

    The name works great for several reasons...

    1. Clearly explains what your business does

    2. Short & to the point

    3. Catchy (which doesn't always work) but does in this case since you identified your target customer & explained what services you offer

    I would go with this. Unless of course, there is a business with the same name. If so, keep the following in mind when creating a new name;

    Catchy rarely works

    Easily & clearly explain what the business does in the name

    Try & target your customer type

    The shorter the better

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Author
    thanks for all the ideas. printing is just one of which. i want something for the internet rental or the internet cafe. like icafe, click it... but those are already owned by other company.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You're trying to do too many things at once, and that's going to cause you to lose focus. The more you try to communicate in a name/tagline, the less memorable it will be. And if you go for a name that can apply to everything, it will mean nothing to anyone.

    Pick your core business, identify the primary target audience for that business, and then aim your name/tagline squarely at them.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Do people need to come to your location, to use your computers, to submit their printing designs? Can they do it from their own computer?

    If so, you really have 2 separate business, that would be in your best interest to separate: a do-it-yourself printer and the internet cafe.
  • Posted by rjohnni on Accepted
    1st option, do both

    PRINT&NET: Print All. Browse Too.

    2nd option, own the category with a smart name, and advertise your other service as a tagline

    BEST PRINTING SERVICES: Now come with Internet Cafe!


  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted

    Jennifer P.
    XPRT Creative

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