
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Name For The Strategy Planning System

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear colleagues,

Please help me to find a name for the Strategy planning and monitoring system. This system is intended for middle size holding or middle size companies.
Main features of this system are:
- the system allows you to plan in accordance with your strategy: finance, business processes, resources, identify markets, etc.
- the ability to forecast important indicators of holding for the next month.
- to see the consolidated information on the results of the past month, quarter, etc.

Looking forward to your suggestions!
Thank you in advance!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'm not completely clear on what it is you're selling, who your primary target audience would be, what the ultimate benefit of your system would be, or why they might want it.

    If this is a software package, it's not going to be an easy sale. Most companies don't think of strategy planning and monitoring as a function/discipline of its own, so tracking and monitoring it is a bit of a foreign thought. Not sure if it's just the words you're using, or if the concept is just new. Are there other systems like it on the market?

    Finally, we probably ought to understand WHERE your target audience is. The terminology and typical organization structure of companies in the United States, for example, may be quite different from that of companies in Belarus. It's difficult for Americans to fully trust/accept products and services from suppliers who don't "speak their language" (figuratively and literally).

    P.S. This is not a comment on your use of English ... just noting a strong cultural bias in the United States. While your English (on the website) is mostly fine, there are tell-tale signs that English isn't your native tongue.
  • Posted on Author
    I would like to clarify some issues:
    our target audience is middle size holdings (no more than 25 middle companies) or it also could be middle size companies (no more than 2000 staff) in different kind of business.

    Unforubnately i did not clarify in my question above one advantege of this system. The main feature is the possibility to improve the system according to a client needs. Thus, we are plan to sell not a package product it will be every time new product for concrete client.
  • Posted on Author
    also would like to add that our system is kind of BSC systems and it has main idea as BSC description in wiki
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Customized Balance
    Perfect Performance
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Can you be creative with anyone who developed it? A play on their name or initials for example?

    I once worked on a planning system, the four of us that worked on it has a surname starting with "S". Four S's! So the name became the "Behavioural Forces Model"!

    You aim with this is to become known for what you provide, so it need to roll off the tongue well, be easy to bring to mind etc etc.

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your suggestions, comments and notes!

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