
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help Naming Art/photography/craft Business

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My name is Jessica and I'm a work at home mom.

I mostly create digital art using my computer and wacom tablet. But soon I will also be making crafts such as poly-clay jewelry, beading, custom my little pony figures, and possibly more.

Also my mother will be sharing the business name. She does photography. Mostly nature and country/ farm landscapes.

We've been trying to think of something that combines our talents but is trendy and fun.
Both our names start with J although it doesn't have to be a feature in the business name.
We do like the sound of "design" and "studio" though we couldn't think of anything further than those.

I appreciate any help that's offered.
Thank you for looking. :)
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Phil has offered a good solution/approach. It's not clear, though, why you want to combine the two different businesses into a single entity. It seems that you might appeal to different audiences, deliver different benefits and thus want different business identities.

    Think about how people will learn about your business(es). How will they find you? What is your marketing plan? It's hard enough to create awareness and traffic for one business. Trying to create it for two -- with the same name -- will be confusing and more difficult.

    If I'm in the market for some rustic photography, I don't want to have to wade through a bunch of jewelry and crafts. And if I am interested in digital art/crafts, I think photography would be an annoyance. Consider keeping them separate and finding the perfect name for each one.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    JJs Design Studios
    Circle J Studios
  • Posted by rjohnni on Member

    Kitsch & Digi (Design Studio)



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