
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name/tagline For New Solopreneur Biz Launch

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello! I just discovered this site today. Hope someone can help. I am about to launch a new biz. I am solo entreprenuer. I teach women soulopreneurs (healers, coaches, holistic practitioners, creatives, introverts) to get more clients. I focus on helping them clarify who they are, who their target market is, what they offer, what results they offer (niches, brands) and help them identify and own their unique and incredible value so they can communicate it to others and get more clients. I also teach them the communication skills to do this. I also teach how to deal with emotional and mental barriers that come up when being in business such as fear, worry, doubt, unworthiness, etc. And also I am being trained to do website copywriting after they are clear on all the above.

I am/was a healer and coach myself and don't want to use the word marketing in the title. Underlying all of this is to inspire and guide women soulopreneurs to increase clarity confidence and clients. Attract abundance being who they are and doing what they love. Words like Shining light and enlightened business are top on my list.

Any ideas or questions to clarify? I have gotten a lot of positive response from my target market, but need a name and tagline so I can get the show on the road.

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    You can start by defining your target audience a little more precisely. Where do these prospective clients live? What do they think their most important unmet needs are?

    Are you going to actually meet with your clients face-to-face to deliver your services, or is this strictly an online business?

    How many clients do you want? The marketing plan (and probably the name/tagline) could be different if you want a few dozen or a few hundred than if you want hundreds of thousands or millions. If you plan on delivering personal service, then there's no reason to try to reach millions; you can only service a few dozen a year.

    How is your target audience going to learn about you? Do you have a marketing plan? Will they come "if you build it" or will you have to get the word out via advertising or publicity of some kind?

    I also find it interesting that you're offering marketing services but don't want to use the word "marketing." Is that because you don't want to sound too crass to your prospective clients? Are YOU sensitive to some latent feelings among your target audience that "marketing" is evil? It would seem that many of these folks are looking for marketing help, and you could miss them completely if you don't scratch their itch by using the M-word.

    P.S. We'll be able to help you much better if you let us know a little bit about yourself in the profile section.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Mgoodman
    thanks for your response. Those are very good questions and I will try to answer them all.

    My target clients are women soulopreneurs - generally healers,coaches, holistic practitioners,creatives, introverts. I find many of them where I live in my city because I am one of them. They spread my name by word of mouth because I have offered other healing services in the past. It will also be an online business as well. I have affiliations with coaching certification programs online to begin and also will be blogging. I had a blog talk podcast for another topic. I am not on social media yet. They will come and I won't be using any advertising. This business is likely to reach hundreds not millions.

    The reason why I don't want to use the word marketing is it doesn't encompass all that I do and it misses out on the very important emotional /mental barrier work that comprises most of my business. So using that word I would lose out on most of my business. Also I am intuitive and my intuition told me not to use that word.

    My clients most important unmet needs are they need more clients to make more money and don't know how. This is because they are not aligned with their business and don't know themselves, they lack clarity and therefore lack confidence in explaining their services to others. They are all over the board in their websites and when they talk about their business. They want to make money doing what they love and being who they are,but they lack clarity - they are very right brained people who don't know how to run a business, just very good healers, coaches, alternative practitioners and the like.

    I do have a marketing plan and have clients waiting but don't want to start until I have this all in place.

    thanks again
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Dave!
    I think that is an excellent response. I don't see myself anywhere near an Oprah Winfrey view of the world, just a very spiritual person who likes to help people grow their business from the inside out, so it doesn't fit the traditional marketing concept.

    I do like your idea though, possibly with some tweaking may lead to something.

    Thanks again.
    I hope more people will respond even if its outside your expertise, its the freshness of being out of your depth that can be spot on. peace all
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your good response also. You're right, possibly the word marketing could be used in the title, but I still need an entire name.

    Any ideas?

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    knowing light
    Helping others shine the light
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Woman 2 Woman Business Building (or W2W Business Building)
    Enlightened Women's Business Coach
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Frank!
    Another great suggestion. I especially like the tag line.
    Thanks again
  • Posted on Author
    I really like your response, especially "business building" rather than marketing, also love the tagline.

    You are all very creative and thoughtful and I really appreciate your time on this.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you David R. for your thoughtful response. That is a very good suggestion to go to my target market and ask them about this.

    I really don't have anything against the word marketing personally. It's just that I don't feel it encompasses all that I do, since I do a lot of work with the emotional barriers and mental barriers people have to financial abundance and do a lot of shadow work with people who are feeling unworthy, fear, etc. I'm not sure traditional marketing encompasses all this.

    And yes I will be sharing marketing principles with my clients and they will be using them. On my business card I used the word more than once. Just did not want to include in my title. I am aware that I am offering marketing, possibly authentic marketing, and have a great respect for all you marketers, heck I am asking you for your help after all. And so far it is all good.

    Thanks again
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Most great marketers -- perhaps most great business leaders -- have learned to trust their intuition. (I ghost-authored a book about marketing successes triggered by intuitive insights, and interviewed several dozen CEOs and senior marketing officers at Fortune 100 companies about how they learned to trust their intuition.)

    If your intuition says to avoid the word "marketing," then listen to it. It's coming from somewhere that's a lot smarter than all the logic that would suggest otherwise.

    Try "business building" or "marketplace insights" or "customer understanding." Those are all euphemisms for marketing.

    The thing I think I would also avoid is suggesting that you're going to work on what's "inside" your clients. At first blush, that sounds like healing arts, and it might offend prospective clients to think you're saying that they need "healing" even before you know them. Let your approach be your "secret" and just promise the end result your target audience seeks.

    Once they trust you and understand your approach, they'll undoubtedly change their perspective, but there is no reason to scare them off with "healing" any more than there is to scare them off with "marketing."
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Karen,
    Wow you are good! Okay here it is - you probably won't run into this again on this site, or maybe anywhere.

    I taught Law of Attraction and Manifesting Abundance beginning in the 1980s. I taught Natural Vision Improvement helping people heal their vision with their mind/beliefs and actual visual exercises. Recently I am a certified Radical Forgiveness Coach and help women forgive anything/anyone regardless of circumstances. I also did a lot of shadow work. That is the emotional/mental component of this. It was difficult to market, but tie it to making money and growing a business and kaching, we have a winner.

    My "purpose" was always to guide women to deep self acceptance and empowerment and help them identify their life purpose, shine their light, and make money doing what they love. That translated into this new biz. With the clarity of knowing more deeply who they are, what they offer, who they serve, they can know and own their value and the value of what they have to offer - self acceptance and empowerment. Also confidence in knowing their value and how to communicate that value confidently and grow their biz. It's working for me.

    Any ideas will be appreciated. Also, I have a law degree JD and have done legal and social work, but no more.
    Thanks and peace
  • Posted on Author
    Oh how could I forget? I taught yoga, meditation, pranayama, etc for a few years as well. thanks
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Sdsondhi for that great response. That isn't quite it thought.

    Also Randall, I know what marketing is. I also know that word will not appear in my business title.

    What I am trying to express is an entirely different way of doing business, from the heart, from the soul, from the spirit.

    Anyway, thanks all, and I welcome more names.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks to everyone who responded. I believe I have my biz name and I came up with it myself, but wanted to award points for those who put their effort into this.

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