
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help Coming Up With A Name For My Business.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need help with a name for my business. It will be a hair removal (waxing) primarily but I will also offer manicures, pedicures, and other small aesthetic services. Perhaps in the future expand to facials and advance skin care. I would like to come up with something very catchy, example of one I really liked (but is taken) is: “Beehive Company”. I am actually considering using: “Beehive Salon ....and more”
Any ideas are greatly appreciated :)
Thank you so much!!!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I'm not sure how "Beehive Salon" connects to your business goal. You basically have two choices: pick a name that's either concrete (Le Spa) or something abstract (Beehive Salon). If you pick something concrete, it makes it easier for people to quickly "get" what you're selling. If you pick something abstract, you'll need a tagline to help clarify what you offer (and people may not read the tagline and be confused).
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I've been reluctant to respond because I didn't want to have to tell you that "Beehive" isn't a very good name if you want to let people know either what you do or what important benefit they'll receive if they become your customers.

    "Catchy" is a bad goal. You'll do much better if you try to communicate your positioning benefit, or at least what you do. It's OK if it's also catchy, but you need to get the priorities right ... and "catchy" is not top priority.

    So now think about (and let us know) why someone might want to come to your business and spend their money on what you offer. What makes you different from, and better than, all the other businesses in your area that do essentially the same thing?
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Both Jay Hamilton-Roth and mgoodman are very wise people. It's worthwhile listening to them.

    BTW - Isn't a beehive a really old-fashioned hairdo made famous by Marge Simpson?

    How does that work with hair removal, manicures and pedicures, etc?

    I think we need to know - you need to know too - a lot more about your business before we can help you.

    What will be the one service you provide that people will drive for miles to get done by you?

    What will be the service that brings in the bulk of your revenue each week?

    How are you going to attract clients? Who will your clients be?

    Give us some more idea about how you plan to operate, and we'll do our best to help you.

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