
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Catchy Name For New Dog Treat Product

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I work for a non-profit and we are making homemade dog treats to sell (the proceeds will go to support our mission). I am trying to come up with a catchy but original name and a tag line for the treats. They are our own recipe (we took a recipe and adapted it); one of the main flavors is peanut butter; and even the pickiest dog likes them, so kind of the discriminating dog. We will include on the packaging that all proceeds go towards supporting our programs. Any thoughts or ideas or would be appreciated.
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  • Posted on Member
    Keep it simple> Dog treats- will keep them on their feet.
    > Wag delicious - even the pickiest dog like em (You said it)
    >Crunch with peanuts or Crunch o'nuts
    Hope these few ideas get your wheel turning!.. Best wishes!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What's the name of your non-profit?
    What's the tie-in between the treats and your organization?
    Are you selling locally or online as well (i.e., do you need a website domain also)?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Is this for Arkansas Goodwill? I don't get the connection between your mission and dog treats.

    Where/how will you market these dog treats? Who is your primary target audience? Is there any reason why they might prefer your treats to the commercial ones they can get at the pet store? Or is this just a kind of fund-raiser? If the latter, is it a one-time-only event, or are you going into the dog treat business on an ongoing basis?

    How is your target audience going to learn about your dog treats? Where will they buy them? Do you have a marketing plan, or are you just going to "build it and see if they come?"
  • Posted on Member
    Some people like cute names like plays on words (taking a chocolate bar name and playing with the dog aspect of it) .... (can't think of any chocolate bars with peanut butter in them, except for reese's peanut butter cups...)..Peanut Butter Pups!

    Sometimes funny things like PB Jeebees - your dogs got 'em (haha, I crack myself up) or Peanut Buster Balls - your dogs best friend.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member

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