
Topic: Taglines/Names

Another Way To Say "science Sets Us Apart"

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I need another way to say, "Science Sets Us Apart". My company differentiates itself by producing quality nutritional products, backed by science. Can anyone think of a catchy way to say "Science Sets Us Apart"?

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    "Backed By Science" isn't a benefit that your customers will care about. What do the nutritional products help heal? Focus not on the ingredients, but the results (if you have them well-documented).
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    There's a whole world of information needed to solve this problem.

    Science sets who apart from what? Competitors? Who are they and how do they make their claims?

    What kinds of nutrition - supplements, meal replacements, nutraceuticals...?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Jay is right. Unless the brand name is focused on the positioning benefit, your tagline should be. And even if it is, you'd be better served to suggest an emotional or end-benefit in your tagline.

    "Science sets us apart," however you say it, is a throw-away for most of your customers. People buy benefits. You're asking them to "vote for science" without giving them a reason to do so, or a benefit for them.

    There's another problem you may have missed: The "science" claim could make you seem like a pharmaceutical company, and their image isn't so great right now. A lot of folks are attracted to "natural" more than they are to "science."

    If you're really married to the "science" thing, you should probably figure out how science results in a benefit, and make science the reason-why, not the primary claim. (Example: "A scientifically proven weight-loss supplement")

    Benefits are what people buy. Science isn't a benefit.
  • Posted on Author
    I wholeheartly agree with the notion of selling benefits, rather than just science. Let me eloborate a little more--the company uses science as their number one tool to develop products. The products run the gambit from weight loss, tonics/juices, home care, personal care, anti-aging, and more. For this particular piece of collateral, they need a tagline that talks about how science is their number one tool in product development, and that is what sets them apart from their competitors.

    I would love to position this as a benefit-driven statement. What I've set out to improve is the current statement, "scientifically valid breakthough health and wellness products". That has NO benefit and is just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.

    The key element is that the company is driven by research (the company conducts TONS of studies on their products). I've come up with a couple. I welcome any feedback anyone may have.

    Science is Our Route to Success
    Advancing the Science of Nutrition
    Setting the Standard through Science
    Created by Nature. Proven by Science.
    Inspired by Innovation, Backed by Science

    Thanks for all your help!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Of your approaches, only one begins to touch a benefit: "Created by Nature. Proven by Science." This presumes that "nature" is seen as a benefit ... which is a little questionable. The others are all about the company, not about the benefit a consumer might expect.

    Can you do something that suggests "Putting science to work to improve your life?" "Improving your life" is too general, but that is the approach I would take if you need to keep science in the tagline.

    Suggestion: Try the "So what?" test. Say the tagline, then ask "So what?" Keep repeating the process until you get to a true benefit. As you already know, it won't include "science," but maybe it will give you a way to tie back to the science that made it possible.

    Side note: This all reminds me of the tagline for one of my long-time clients, E.I. DuPont de Nemours: "Better things for better living ... through chemistry."

    It's vague, of course, but it suggests that this isn't science for its own sake, but for improving people's lives. (We were able to move them from promoting the DuPont name exclusively to focusing more on individual brand names -- Stainmaster, Lycra, Corian, Kevlar, Tyvek, etc. -- and the unique benefits each one delivers for its target audience.)

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