
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Tagline For A New Initiative

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Am starting a new initiative to help small businessness with marketing ideas and planning.
The current trend, over here, in North India is to start something and then "pray 24/7!"
A simple tagline to mostly help simple people.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Why should someone in your target audience hire you? What benefit can you promise them?

    It would help us if we understood better who your target audience is, what makes them tick, how they make decisions, what their most important needs are, etc. Have you interviewed a representative group of them? If not, that's the place to start.

    The tagline would seem to be a final step, not an initial one. If you were the consultant to yourself, what would YOU recommend?
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Pray 24/7? How is that working out for them?

    You call them simple people - how else can you characterise the target segment?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What specific skills do you have that would benefit your target audience? Why will people care about these skills? What proof do you have that these skills are needed/valuable/effective? How will you prove your worth to your target audience?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Your Marketing Prayers Have Been Answered

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