
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name And Tagline For Wedding Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I mainly want to provide a candy buffet business for weddings and other types of parties. But I also wish to offer Do It yourself (DIY) wedding ideas that are affordable but classy/elegant. I want to specialize in small to medium size weddings.

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Two different businesses with only partial overlap. And different benefits for each target audience.

    Sounds like you need two different names/taglines ... or your prospective customers will have every reason to be confused. There's a lot of evidence that singleminded benefit promises are more effective than omnibus or generic promises.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Sweet Weddings
    We Do - Candy
  • Posted on Accepted
    What do you mean by candy buffet?

    "The Wedding Library" would be a great name.

    A nice tagline could be: Where Precious Memories Last a Lifetime
  • Posted on Accepted
    I did not know what a "candy buffet" was - so I Googled it. Cool! I had no idea that this existed and think its a fun idea! If you think there is a great enough market to focus on Candy Buffet - I would focus on naming your company as such. You'll likely want to pick a name that will be easy to remember and be good for SEO (using keywords like Party and Candy and not Wedding since you mentioned you want to target beyond weddings). Go to and try out some word combinations. One URL I found available is You want to find a name and URL that are easy to remember. Ideally you want a URL that is available ending in .com since it appears you are US-based and that is the most common ending. Though you'd be wise to also buy the domains excluding www and also ending with .net.

    Because you haven't given us much information I would recommend that you take the time to compile a list of words that you think people would use to find your services. Then got to Googlel and search "Google keyword tool" - in the tool type in your keywords and see what the search volumes are. This may help you narrow your choice of words to focus on.
  • Posted by rjohnni on Accepted
    CHERISH: Candy Buffet, Weddings. More



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