
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name And Tagline For My Advertising And Event Co

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am looking to start up an advertising and event management company, along with 2 of my friends. We would like to have your suggestions to come up with a name and logo that shows we are promising and very creative.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    OK, so who is your primary target audience? What are they looking for and not finding with the alternatives they have today? Where are they located? What criteria do they use to select agencies for advertising and events? How are they going to learn about you?

    Have you actually interviewed a dozen prospective clients just to find out what it would take to get their business? If not, that's a pretty good place to start. And if you have, what words did they use to express their unmet needs? Those would be good starting places for a name.

    As you know, naming starts with a clear benefit-oriented positioning statement, which in turn begins with an in-depth understanding of a narrow and clearly defined target audience.

    We'll help you, but we need more information if we're really going to be helpful. Tell us about your target audience and the unique and important positioning benefit they'll realize when they hire your firm.
  • Posted on Author
    ok, thank you for the response. i had to give you more details which i did not last time, sorry abt that.
    Actually we already have an event management company started 18 months back and a printing company. so we came up with this idea that if we did outdoor advertisements (hoarding design, banners etc.) for our existing clients and other companies as well, we could do the printing of the banners etc. also for them at a lower price. we initially don't want to do more than that. So we want to change the existing name. As for target customers are concerned we are looking at are existing client list and also small & medium scale companies.
  • Posted by rjohnni on Accepted
    So it's an extension of you event management company.

    And you would be looking at printing focused activities to garner the biz...

    And still, you haven't shared the name of your company, without which this exercise is chasing butterflies.

    But anyway have you ever tried

    XYZ Designs & Prints

    where XYZ is still lying with you...



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