
Topic: Taglines/Names

Flair 'n Fun Catering And Party Coordinator

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm just starting out in the business and I would like to start out doing small events. I need a catchy tag line that fits the name of my business as well as my personality. I'm detail oriented, sweet, god fearing, friendly and kind.

In our industry, people make decisions on the caterer for various reasons. In our country (Philippines), many are choosing a cheaper caterer. Some choose the caterer because of the quality of food.

However, we do work with our clients mostly based on their budget. We pride ourselves with creative presentation and excellent service. We are flexible and really care about the needs of our clients.

Thank you!
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    What you really need is a tagline that fits with your core value proposition.

    Which means your tagline should emphasise the main reason why someone would come to you rather than a competitor.

    What is that reason? Only you know at the moment - as Karen says by asking more questions - you really haven't given us enough information to know how to respond.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    More information is needed, as others have said. It's more about your target audience, not more about you or your skills. What unique and important benefit do you offer? Who is your primary target audience? What is it they need to hear when they're looking for a caterer?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Cater For Le$$
    Catering To Your Needs
  • Posted by rjohnni on Accepted
    A Taste for Detail.



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