
Topic: Taglines/Names

Psychotherapist Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear all
I am psychotherapist( gestalt) and live since 1,5 years in perth,australia.
I had already a clinic in switzerland
Now here I will use a shell as logo:i will guide and bring the clients back to their coreself.From there they can go the new and aware steps in their life
For me important is the word coreself but i dont know how to make an activ tagline with this word.
I would be very interested in your opinion:
Would you think the persons will understand the word coreself?
What would you propose as tagline?( reconnect with your coreself or discover your coreself)
Thank you so much.

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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Google coreself. ( )

    There is substantial existing content using that word; some of it apparently grounded in real therapeutic work, some obviously shrouded in new-age mysticism. Believe what you will...

    Your tagline should point to some benefit the reader will be able to identify with. The word coreself itself does not make a tagline, nor does it describe a benefit.

    When people come to you for therapy, what are they looking for? What would be a good outcome for them? If it's simply a matter of understanding themselves better, or maybe becoming more successful in work, love or life, then perhaps something like this might work:

    "Connect with your inner feelings" or
    "Know your own true self", or
    "Progress through understanding what makes you tick", which could be shortened to:
    "Progress through understanding", or maybe even:
    "Move forward with confidence".

    Hopefully, some of that will help you connect with your innermost thoughts...


  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I think coreself or core-self would communicate the concept to most people, but I question whether it would suggest any benefit. WHY would someone want to discover his or her coreself? How would their lives get better?

    Knowing your coreself is just a first step. My inclination for your tagline would be to begin to paint a picture of the end-benefit.

    Do you help to resolve interpersonal conflicts? Make relationships richer? Bring love and acceptance into one's life? Relieve stress and angst? Make life a more enjoyable experience? Facilitate a spiritual awakening?

    Focus not so much on the tool (i.e., discovery of core-self), but on the end-benefit ... the payoff for your client that makes your services compelling for them.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    As Michael says, paint the picture of their future life, and connect how your expertise aids it. For example:

    The Road To Personal Freedom Begins With Gestalt
    Enrich Your Life Experiences With Gestalt
  • Posted on Author
    Dear Karen thank you for your questions and thougths.
    I am working since 2005.My work is based on a intergrativGestalt approach. I have already a graphic designer and the choice of the shell is definitively.
    I work with my dogs ( one dog is a therapydog)and Cats in my counselling.They are like my co-therapeuts.This makes my work quite different of others.

  • Posted on Author
    Google coreself. ( )
    Dear Chris
    thank you so much for your good thougths and ideas.
    Its good to read your questions and I will ask myself this question before I develop my tagline.
    I like your word innermost! this touches a lot of me.... I live and work with my knowledge as psycholtherapist and with my heart and spirit.For me i want o bring the client in touch with his/ her trueself. its very important for me to be a psychotherapist who is in connection with the client and the client feels I am worth , I am respected like Iam.

    There is substantial existing content using that word; some of it apparently grounded in real therapeutic work, some obviously shrouded in new-age mysticism. Believe what you will...

    Your tagline should point to some benefit the reader will be able to identify with. The word coreself itself does not make a tagline, nor does it describe a benefit.

    When people come to you for therapy, what are they looking for? What would be a good outcome for them? If it's simply a matter of understanding themselves better, or maybe becoming more successful in work, love or life, then perhaps something like this might work:

    "Connect with your inner feelings" or
    "Know your own true self", or
    "Progress through understanding what makes you tick", which could be shortened to:
    "Progress through understanding", or maybe even:
    "Move forward with confidence".

    Hopefully, some of that will help you connect with your innermost thoughts...

  • Posted on Author
    Google coreself. ( )
    Dear Chris
    thank you so much for your good thougths and ideas.
    Its good to read your questions and I will ask myself this question before I develop my tagline.
    I like your word innermost! this touches a lot of me.... I live and work with my knowledge as psycholtherapist and with my heart and spirit.For me i want o bring the client in touch with his/ her trueself. its very important for me to be a psychotherapist who is in connection with the client and the client feels I am worth , I am respected like Iam.

    There is substantial existing content using that word; some of it apparently grounded in real therapeutic work, some obviously shrouded in new-age mysticism. Believe what you will...

    Your tagline should point to some benefit the reader will be able to identify with. The word coreself itself does not make a tagline, nor does it describe a benefit.

    When people come to you for therapy, what are they looking for? What would be a good outcome for them? If it's simply a matter of understanding themselves better, or maybe becoming more successful in work, love or life, then perhaps something like this might work:

    "Connect with your inner feelings" or
    "Know your own true self", or
    "Progress through understanding what makes you tick", which could be shortened to:
    "Progress through understanding", or maybe even:
    "Move forward with confidence".

    Hopefully, some of that will help you connect with your innermost thoughts...

  • Posted on Author
    Dear Chris
    thank you so much for your good thougths and ideas.
    Its good to read your questions and I will ask myself this question before I develop my tagline.
    I like your word innermost! this touches a lot of me.... I live and work with my knowledge as psycholtherapist and with my heart and spirit.For me i want o bring the client in touch with his/ her trueself. its very important for me to be a psychotherapist who is in connection with the client and the client feels I am worth , I am respected like Iam.

    There is substantial existing content using that word; some of it apparently grounded in real therapeutic work, some obviously shrouded in new-age mysticism. Believe what you will...

    Your tagline should point to some benefit the reader will be able to identify with. The word coreself itself does not make a tagline, nor does it describe a benefit.

    When people come to you for therapy, what are they looking for? What would be a good outcome for them? If it's simply a matter of understanding themselves better, or maybe becoming more successful in work, love or life, then perhaps something like this might work:

    "Connect with your inner feelings" or
    "Know your own true self", or
    "Progress through understanding what makes you tick", which could be shortened to:
    "Progress through understanding", or maybe even:
    "Move forward with confidence".

    Hopefully, some of that will help you connect with your innermost thoughts...

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I'm sure I'm being dense, but what is the significance of the shell as your logo/symbol? What does it have to do with what you do or what benefit your target audience should expect from you?

    If we understand this, maybe there's a way to incorporate that connection into your tagline so the whole thing begins to make sense to the uninitiated.
  • Posted on Author
    dear Phil
    thank you you are rigth it has to be seperated core-self.
  • Posted on Author
    Dear mgoodman
    Thank you so much. this is a new focus and spiritual awakening fits in a lot of my work. not in an esoteric way but in a deep philosophical way.I will work with your questions and want to give you points. thank you. it would be a pleasure to go a couple of steps more with you
    I just had a look at your website and dialogue is a good word for my work. i am in dialogue with my clients and the client should be in dialogue with me and his coreself.....maybe thats the tagline: Be in dialogue with your coreself . what do you think?
  • Posted on Author
    dear W.M.M.A.

    yeah I had also the idea of the pearl but my shell is not a pearl shell...
    thank you for your thoughts!

  • Posted on Author
    Dear Jay
    Thank you so much for your thoughts and ideas.
    Yeah its sounds awsome paint ( like michael said)the pictures of their future life thats like gestalt who likes to work with pictures .
    I think gestalt can realy mislead( nearly nobody knows what gestalt realy does..) and therefor i dont take gestalt but i will take enrich and i will try it out with your road to..
    I want to give you also points.
    thank you.

  • Posted on Author
    dear m goodman
    No its good that you are asking!
    Its the structure of the shell that shows going from outside to the the core....coreself.
    I am as psychotherapist helping the client to come in contact with his inner wisdom..coreself...inner child.When the clients are in contact with their centre the ways are open.
    I thank you and the others who reacted on my question. I think its fantastic and it helps me so much
    I would appreciate when you could help me more because i feel i come realy closer and closer...i am on my way..
    thank you
  • Posted on Author
    Dear All who answered my question
    Thank you so much for helping me creating my tagline.I didnt got the answer from you what to say but you showed me the steps where to go.
    I will go for it today and tomorrow because at wednesday my busnesscarddesigner needs it!
    I am impressed about your work you do and want to say I am thankfull and will tell my friends about this possibility.
    I closed the question because I wanted to give the points.When someone of you would have an idea after I gave the answer to mgoodman I would be very thankfull.
    because I am on my way but not at the goal yet.
    Have a splendid week with inspiration and satisfaction.

  • Posted on Author
    Dear All
    this morning I got this taglineidea:
    healing in dialogue with your core-self.
    what do you think ? tomorrow is my deadline by my logodesigner.
    thank you for a feedback or a new idea.
    have a wonderfull day.
  • Posted on Author
    better is:
    inner healing in dialogue with your core self!
  • Posted on Author
    my tagline is dive into your coreself and thrive.
    wish you all a splendid day!
    warm regards,christina

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