
Topic: Taglines/Names

Naming A New Coffeehouse

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are in the process of starting a coffeehouse in Arizona. We are hoping to find a name related to cats, as my husband and I have several rescued cats of our own. Our original name, The Black Cat Coffeehouse, was stolen and trademarked by a former business associate, so that one is not an option. We also like the idea of using something related to "karma" in the name. If the name of our coffeehouse can incorporate both "karma" as well as something cat-related, so much the better. I like The Karma Cat, but am concerned it may be too close to our original name. Any ideas, feedback or suggestions for names would be truly appreciated!
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    * Curiosity the Karma Coffee Shop

    (Because curiosity killed the cat)

    * Kaffeine Karma Coffee Shop

    * Kalmer Karma Coffee Shop

    * Karmarama Coffee Shop

    Whatever you decide, make sure that you register the name and trademark asap, also get the domain name, Twitter identity, MySpace, FaceBook and every other social network name you can think of, before you go public.

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the responses so far... it has been very helpful to receive feedback, and has inspired my own ideas and thought-process about our name and potential marketing angles.

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