
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Plumbing Business Need Creative Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are starting a new plumbing business. Our business name is Holden Plumbing. Our logo (pipe with a drip) and business cards are clean and professional looking. I would like a catchy or unique tagline to use on the back of the card and for other advertising purposes. I would like to take from the name Holden (holding) something like...

Holden Strong…Durability Matters
Holden’ Strong to our Customers Needs
Holden Strong…When it Needs to Last
I seem to be stuck with Holden at the beginning and the word Strong. Can anyone think of another clever way to use Holden (holding)?

It doesn't have to use Holden or strong. I was also thinking we could use the pipe with the drip.

Any other ideas would be appreciated!! Thanks
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I agree with Phil: Don't repeat your business name. Don't try to artificially create a catch phrase.

    If you want a tagline, Phil's given you a strong one (also: Done Right The First Time. Guaranteed.) If you want something to be put on the back of your card, think more of a call to action - why would someone need you NOW or why should they put your card on their fridge? Focus on what you can do that no one else can/will to separate your business from the wealth of others in your area.
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    To join the chorus of excellent advice above, turn your card into a magnet for the fridge which then makes the back irrelevant. And to cue off of Phil, Jay and Karen's thoughts:

    Satisfaction guaranteed around the clock
    We stop the drop.
    We'll make it tight day or night.
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    We nip the drip in just one trip.

  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    We nip the drip in just one trip.

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