
Topic: Taglines/Names

Great Name Needed For An Online Tea Retailer

Posted by g_yanchev on 400 Points
Great Name Needed For An Online Tea Retailer
Dear contributors,
We are in need of a great name for our start-up company - an online tea retailer. I will provide as much information as I feel necessary, so please apologize if it is too much or irrelevant.
>>> What we do:
Our concept is to become a niche online store of herbal and wellness (ayurvedic and healing) teas. We will sell directly to final consumers. We will not sell any black/green teas and will focus solely on herbal teas and blends. The name we choose will be used both, as our brand (we will be selling our own brand of herbal teas) and as our online store/domain name (since we will sell only online for now).
>>> Our target audience is:
-     Health conscious, above average income consumers
-     Baby boomers (who drink herbal teas because they are caffeine free)
-     People in need of health
>>> Some sample teas:
Chamomile, Rooibos, Mate Tea, Honeybush, Peppermint, Fruits, Berries
>>> Some of the marketing messages we want to portray:
-     Health (due to the healing power of teas)
-     Nature (since this is a natural product)
-     Life (health, way of life)
-     Joy (drinking tea is pleasure)
-     Herbal product
-     Mysterious & Ancient (herbs have been used for millenniums for pleasure, and for improving and maintaining health)
>>> Our positioning statement (not perfect):
We believe in the power and benefits of herbal teas and will strive to become known as THE place to find and buy highest quality teas, tasty herbal tea blends, healthy wellness teas and unique herbal teas from all parts of the world.
>>> Price
Above average to premium
>>> Some taglines we consider:
-     Healing Power of Nature
-     Your Daily Cup Of Herbal Tea
-     Forces of Nature
-     Your Herbal Fountain of Pleasure
-     Your one stop shop for natural wellness.
>>> Some competitor names
Tea Vana
Rishi Tea
Mighty Leaf
Celestial Seasoning
Republic Of Tea
Tea Forte
Our perfect name would be everything together, unique, catchy, easy to remember, and smooth to pronounce. All names are considered - descriptive, invented, evocative.

I would be happy to hear opinions for choosing a descriptive vs an invented vs an evocative name.
Thank you for your help!!!

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I would definitely recommend an "evocative" name for this business ... one that expresses (or evokes) an emotional end-benefit, or even an end-end-benefit, for your target audience.

    Tea, especially herbal tea, is an intimate product ... people ingest it and bond with the product at a deep level. You don't want to position it as a commodity or accessory. You want to appeal to that deeper connection they'll have to your product and all the deeper meaning they will ascribe to both the product itself and the whole purchase experience.

    This is a very emotional sale, and you will set the tone for it -- and for a long-term relationship with your customers -- if you name the business (and the product/brand) right.

    In fact, this is such a critical element in positioning yourself for success that I recommend a formal positioning/naming project using a creative team that has the right kind of experience with this kind of marketing.

    It's obvious you've approached this with a lot of attention to detail and careful consideration. Treat the marketing plan (including the brand name and tagline, logo, etc.) in the same professional way.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member is available and connotes many of the values you're looking to express.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member is available and connotes many of the values you're looking to express.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Tea Pilgrimage
    Tea Digest
    Tea on Tour
    Tea Du Jour
    Designs on Tea
    Wonderland of Tea
  • Posted on Member
    Tea Wonder
    Tea Blends
    Herbal Tea Leaf
  • Posted by Stafford on Accepted

    Tea Precepts

    Lotus Teas

    The Art of Tea



    Vortex Teas
  • Posted by g_yanchev on Author
    Thank you everyone for the great responses. I very much agree on the evocative suggestions and decided not to go with a descriptive name.

    Thanks again!

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