
Topic: Taglines/Names

A New Salon Name

Posted by bauerstan on 500 Points
Salon is in Arizona. I am taking over an existing salon and want a new name. I want the image of the name to display creativity and class. I am trying to market all age groups.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    The "all age groups" target is a potential problem. Teen-agers are not likely to want to go to the same salon that serves their grandparents.

    Also, you don't mention whether this is a unisex salon or one that caters to just one gender. And what kinds of services do you offer?

    Talk about the emotional, or end-benefit, your customers should expect when they patronize your salon. Perhaps we can use that to help you come up with a name.

    Finally, make sure you are not giving up more (by losing the current name) than you are gaining with a new name. After all, are you not purchasing some goodwill and customer loyalty? Why not try to hang on to it? Is there a way to simply build on the current name?
  • Posted by bauerstan on Author
    The current salon has bad reviews on the internet. So a name change is important with the change of ownership. It is a unisex salon with hair, nails and facials. I am not sure what is the current client age group. I would like to target the 20 to 30 year olds.

    The emotional benefit for coming to this salon: feel good, look great.
  • Posted on Member
    I actually like the idea of a name change to reinvigorate the salon. Invigorate - possible name for the salon? Gives the impression of feeling revitalised, which applies to the salon and your customer base after treatment. Revitalise is another idea for the new name for the same reasons.

    Other ideas for the new name:
    THE Salon
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Are you simply hoping to avoid the bad online reviews, or are you doing something to remedy the problems the reviewers mentioned?

    New Leaf Salon
    Who Does Your Hair?
    Pump Up Your Volume
  • Posted by michael on Member
    You're fortunate that the public has basically told you what you need to change. Most people just tell other people...silent death.

    Defintely promote the ownership change and seek out those who have given you bad press. If you can locate them bring them in free.

    The name? I like Eden Spa unless you're after some ethnic market like the Blarney Spa.

  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member

    Spa Connection


    Neutral, unisex friendly direction was the direction I followed here.
  • Posted on Member
    We've recently re-branded our company and believe that yes, a name change can revitalize and refresh a company. What about

    The Hair Associates
    The Beehive
    The Art of Hair
  • Posted by Heart&Head on Member
    You might want to try using a straightforward (and fun), mind map exercise to generate names ( Get a big piece of paper and a pen and in separate bubbles write down each of the key things you've told us about your salon / values which you want to be associated with your salon... i.e. look good, feel good, creativity, sophistication etc... Then for each of the bubbles write down in new bubbles every word that comes to mind which you associate with the original word: it really doesn't matter if at first the word associations seem silly or you can't see the immediate link - this process is about generating as many ideas as possible. Keep repeating the process for each new word bubble that you create and before long you should have plenty of different ideas to choose from. To speed this process up, you may want to do this exercise with a friend or colleague. Good luck!
  • Posted on Member
    "beaty center"

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