
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Creative Tag Line For A Prize Givaway

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello everyone,
I just joined and so far I am happy to be part of such a helpful community.

I am about to start a promotion targeting middle aged women, and I urgently need a name for the promotion, latest by next week. We are giving away a Rav 4 (Car) Quad bike and Boat (Tinny). Please help me!

I was thinking of 'Mark your Territory' as we are from the Northern Territory in Australia - but i think it has already been done and does not sound very feminine.

Someone out there please help me.
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  • Posted on Author
    Hey Phil, thanks for your reply mate, the purpose of our promotion is to raise revenue and bring in a wider demographic to our establishment. We run Dine, stay, play promos meaning that you have to either dine in our restaurant, stay in our guest rooms or play in our pokies room to be entitled to a ticket that goes into a draw for the chance to win these prizes.

    I hope that I have clarified the "Why" factor for you.

  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Dine, Stay, Play Then Speed Away

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