
Topic: Taglines/Names

Your Opinion (& Tagline Ideas) For "wicked" Idea

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We have put together a 6 wk program for teenage girls, with the aim of promoting a healthy body image. The course will include a sections on nutrition,fitness, beauty, self-image etc....

We have toyed with the idea of using the name "Wicked (something)"....does the name Wicked Body sound suitable for this group? Does it sound too fitness related? Does it sound like an escort agency?

We would be interested in a cheeky tagling too if you have any ideas.

Your opinions are appreciated.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    When I heard the word "wicked", it brings about two different thoughts:

    1) means great, awesome, or similar to some people from the Northeast. May be somewhat dated.

    2) the musical (a prequel to the Wizard of Oz)

    Perhaps if your target audience thinks of #1, it could work.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Since we're not your target audience, why not ask them? A focus test might be handy here or do a survey on Facebook or ....
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted

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