
Topic: Taglines/Names

Could Emperor Plumbing Work As A Company Name?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
My husband has just set up his plumbing company that is geared to a high quality finish so we wanted a name that would reflect that, would emperor plumbing work? any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.
thank you.
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  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Emperor Plumbing...for a royal flush.
    When your throne has a mind of its own.
    We'll take your Throneaparte.

    When you say "high-quality finish" what are you referring to? Plumbers install fixtures that are high-quality, but do you mean his fit and finish work like carpentry?
  • Posted on Author
    His services will cost more as he will only use the best fittings, i am not highly educated in the plumbing trade but many times i have heard him moaning about how other unknown plumbers use incorrect or cheaper quality fittings and that they in may accounts left the customers at a loss.

    suitable tagline?

    " Get the Royal treatment, today"

    I wish to express quality to business customer market.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    His clients are unlikely to know if their existing plumber is doing things poorly, but are likely to notice that he'll charge more for his services. "Better fittings" won't sell - most people never see the craftsmanship of plumbing, unless something goes wrong. So, focus on something like: Guaranteed. Plumbing That Lasts. (and provide a 2 year warranty for work done, for example).
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    Get the Royal treatment, today: No. It can denote a negative tone as in, "Get royaly screwed".

    Jay is right on, parts don't sell. Car manufacturers know this - they don't talk about the quality of the rubber hoses between the radiator and the engine. Instead they focus on the benefit of those hoses: "Built to last", "Number 1 in reliability".

    In your husband's case (like Jay recommends), the benefit of quality fittings is reliability, workmanship that lasts, no leaks. So how about:

    Where quality is king.
    The leader in quality work.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    The Royal flush tagline is brilliant!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Why "Emperor?" That's a very unusual name for a plumbing business, and it doesn't seem to connote anything that might possibly be a benefit for the customer.

    In fact, I imagine some might react with, "I don't need royalty to fix my leak. He probably charges a fortune and is arrogant to boot."

    If it's not too late, I'd recommend a little more thought about the name before you lock in on Emperor.
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    And he shall be Levon
    And he shall be a good man

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