
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline / Marketing Message For

Posted by kylehawke on 250 Points
Request: Socratic News needs a message (tagline, slogan) that will get users excited about the website. This message will serve the ultimate goal, which is to increase the number of visitors to the site and decrease the bounce rate (number of people that view the homepage and then leave the site).

The marketing message should connect action from a viewer to making a larger difference in the world. In other words, the message should connect why posting an article, rating an article, or reading articles will better themselves, others, and the world.

Company: Socratic News is a start up news organization that seeks to build a community of individuals who are interested in current events, and host a platform where those individuals can discover and share high quality news content with one another. Most news organizations today are primarily concerned with entertaining viewers (celebrity gossip) or a political agenda (misrepresentation of facts). Socratic News is a website that is concerned only with the education of its viewers.

Socratic News is a non-partisan educational news source. Socratic News’ sole mission is to educate viewers to the greatest possible extent on practical issues. Socratic News features the best articles produced daily from prominent think tanks, journals and universities across the world.

Socratic News adopts a democratic approach to generate content. Articles are posted by users and those articles are rated by other users. The highest rated articles are ranked from 1-10 on the homepage of the website.

Target Market: 35 to 65 year old, highly educated, wealthy individuals (the segment most interested in politics, economics, etc.).

Revenue model: Socratic News’ revenue model is through online advertising.

Competitors: Socratic News equals Reddit or Digg meets RealClearPolitics. Hence, these outlets represent Socratic News main competitors. However, Socratic News provides a unique combination of superior content (compared to Reddit and Digg) and a voting system (unique from RealClearPolitics) that differentiates the company from its competitors.

Full details are here:
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  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Publish or we perish.
    Read what you need.
    Read it, need it, heed it.
    If you don't put your 2 cents in, how can you expect change? (I heard this years ago)
    Say what's on your big mind.
    Brains needed.
    Don't refrain from sharing your brain.
    We need your brain to keep us sane.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Rather than creating a marketing message, spend your energy (and money) creating well-researched/valuable articles for your target market and then work with social media (to allow people to tweet it, etc.) to help spread the value of your articles.

    A simple phrase or paragraph is unlikely to magically get people to spend their valuable time posting articles and attract traffic.
  • Posted by kylehawke on Author
    @mdlugozima - Great start to the ideas. I like the fourth one "If you dont put your 2 cents in..."

    The other ideas are good for this type of business model, but dont seem to fit well with the target market -- (focus on politics, economics). But, we are still thinking about these.
  • Posted by kylehawke on Author
    @Jay - Thanks...I hear you that a great marketing message is secondary to great content. We are working on both in parallel.

    With that in mind... do you have any ideas for a marketing message?
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Put your money where your mouse is.
    Don't be shy about about helping yourself.
    Log on, join in.
    What do you have to say?
  • Posted by kylehawke on Author
    @Karen - Great advice, thank you. And way to come through right at the end with an awesome potential tagline. I like it.
  • Posted by kylehawke on Author
    @mdlugozima - thanks for more ideas.
  • Posted by kylehawke on Author
    @SharkWriter! - thanks for the feedback. Your point is well-taken...if the customer doesn't value the pre-screened news they can get at Socratic News, then a tagline isn't going to do much good. But we have done our homework and do believe that the target market will find value in the Socratic News model, so we are pushing ahead now trying to nail the messaging... Any ideas you have for how to do that are greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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